Mesothelioma is known as a devastating disease that can progress rapidly. Treatments for mesothelioma can be expensive, as they are often highly specialized, and the financial burden can cause additional stress to the family and friends already devastated by a diagnosis of mesothelioma. Yet even in the face of these trials, some people still have hope.
Ellen was one of those people.
Meet Ellen
Ellen Patton was diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma old to 41
she had been experiencing shortness of breath, but -. chalking stress and age - put off seeing a doctor. When she finally went, Ellen was absolutely blinded by his diagnosis of mesothelioma.
She did not know she had been exposed to asbestos and grow that it could cause cancer decades later. The Ellen of asbestos exposure came from several sources -. Exposure his uncle at work, improvement projects of the house of his father, and a number of other consumer products
The doctor told Ellen that she had 12-18 months to live. Because mesothelioma had invaded both lungs, she had minimal treatment options - surgery was too invasive and side effects of chemotherapy could kill her. She opted for an alternative treatment: immune therapy. Replacement therapy has been a huge financial burden and risk. The company has recovered a mesothelioma settlement on its behalf. * Ellen used the money to help give her treatments, her insurance would not cover.
Now, a survivor of 14 years, Ellen attends and presents at many meetings of the Congress on behalf of victims of mesothelioma in the world. "After the weather 12 to 18 months prognosis gave me, I felt it my duty to warn others of the dangers of asbestos," said Ellen. "I had to speak for those who went before me and could not speak. "
She was recently awarded the Alan Reinstein the awareness Organization Asbestos Disease 2015 (ADAO) Conference to honor its advocacy work to ban asbestos.
in 2013, she and her brother-in-law started a soap manufacturing company, Breathe Products, which made a 10 percent donation of its profits to ADAO. Ellen battle with mesothelioma and treatments had put his dream of becoming a business owner waiting, but now free to realize this dream, she could not be happier. "Learning to make soap and improve its quality was a kind of therapy for me," said Ellen in an interview ADAO. "So I had the advantage of giving to friends and family, and to use myself."
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* please note that the results of the recovery vary because they are based on the unique facts of the specific case of each client.