Friday, May 5, 2017

Big Asbestos Pushes Harmful Bill for Mesothelioma Victims to Vote on Eve of Veterans’ Day

Big Asbestos Pushes Harmful Bill for Mesothelioma Victims to Vote on Eve of Veterans’ Day -

account Veterans 30 percent of mesothelioma deaths

on the eve of Veterans day, the US House of representatives is expected to vote on the so-called "asbestos Promotion Claims transparency Act", or House Resolution 982, which will harm older mesothelioma fighters, a disease caused by exposure to asbestos.

While veterans make up 8 percent of the population of the nation, they include an amazing 30 percent of deaths from mesothelioma US. Mesothelioma is horrible, the terminal asbestos cancer that has no cure.

Tell Congress to oppose HR 982! Go to and send them a letter right now.

Unfortunately, despite the well-known dangers, asbestos is still legal in the United States and kills more than 10,000 Americans each year.

Asbestos has been known to be fatal in the 1930s, however, business leaders Big Asbestos cynically covered up that fact for decades, exposed millions of Americans - including veterans - to this deadly substance, and put their health at risk. Today, the rich business of asbestos are still using their political influence to avoid taking responsibility for their actions.

The veterans were disproportionately diagnosed with diseases related to asbestos and will be disproportionately hurt by HR 982. If passed, HR 982 would violate asbestos victims to privacy and allow Big asbestos further delay and deny justice until the asbestos victims die.

this Veterans Day, Congress should focus on maintaining our veterans and all Americans safe from deadly products do not protect the companies deliberately put workers and consumers in danger.

Tell your representative to vote NO on HR982! Go to and send a letter now.

tags: Fact Act, mesothelioma, veterans
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