We know exposure to asbestos was common among the occupations such as construction workers, carpenters, oil refinery workers and members of army of the United States. There is an occupation, however, is also at risk and does not seem to get much attention. This occupation is fighting against fires.
Firefighters risk their lives by entering burning, crumbling buildings and structures. They are the first responders who put it all on the line to extinguish fires and save lives. Many times, they enter buildings were built with asbestos and products. As the fire burns, the high temperature does cause asbestos fibers in materials to decompose further. This can distribute the fibers in the air faster.
This is where the main dangers of exposure to asbestos and firefighters come in are usually the products inside the burning building that create the greatest dangers. - Items like roofing materials, insulation, vinyl, shingles, floor tiles which have been generally created with asbestos. The culmination of a burning building with deteriorating asbestos products can endanger rescuers and firefighters in such situations.
An example of this type of exposure to asbestos comes from the cleanup efforts of the 9/11 attacks. Firefighters and rescuers spent hours working at Ground Zero between the dust, smoke and debris contained asbestos and other harmful particles. The towers were built with asbestos products, and as they collapsed, asbestos fibers broke down and became air.
How firefighters can avoid exposure to asbestos
There are some things that firefighters and other rescue workers can do to prevent exposure to dangerous asbestos, which can lead to mesothelioma and other asbestos related diseases. According to the State of Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, here are some tips firefighters should follow:
- Continue to wear self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) while searching for hotspots during the revision stage.
- sure to wet all parts of the building where firefighters are working to keep the amount of asbestos fibers released into the air to a minimum.
- Wear protective gear for any evacuation and technical input, such as the opening of the walls.
- If possible, wash all equipment and clothing to the scene to control the spread of toxins past the work site.
older structures built before the mid-100s with products containing asbestos will continue to take from time to time fire and burn. As this happens, firefighters continue to experience the ongoing risk of exposure to asbestos. It is important to know and understand the risk and protective measures firefighters can use to protect against exposure to asbestos and mesothelioma.