Sunday, February 5, 2017

Light a Candle with ADAO to Honor Mesothelioma Warriors

Light a Candle with ADAO to Honor Mesothelioma Warriors -

The Awareness Organization to asbestos-related diseases (ADAO) Ignition candle ceremony is an annual tradition that commemorates the mesothelioma survivors and victims. The candles are lit to honor all the "mesothelioma Warriors," those who have been diagnosed with cancer, those who have survived the disease and those who have lost their lives to it.

Light a candle for mesothelioma victims. The first candle lighting will be held December 28 candles will be lit in memory of love to all those who lost their courageous battle with mesothelioma.

The second candle lighting will be held January 4, 2014 and these candles will be lit in support of all those who are currently struggling against mesothelioma worldwide.

If you know someone who died or is fighting mesothelioma, you can have their name added to the list of Warriors mesothelioma. You must complete this form with a valid email address or name can not be added to the list. You can add names to the list until 20 December, on which the list will be closed. It is important to note that this Warriors mesothelioma list will be shared with the public.

You have the ability to light your candles December 28 and January 4, either virtually or in your home. Once you light your candle, you can have the opportunity to write an online message that can serve as a symbol of hope and encouragement for those who can go through a similar situation, even if they are half -path worldwide.

Join the cause to honor the victims of mesothelioma and current warriors. Learn more about this tradition ADAO candle lighting today.

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