Sunday, February 5, 2017

Cancer patients can manage financial difficulties | Online support group

Cancer patients can manage financial difficulties | Online support group -

Mesothelioma, like many other cancers, is a disease that can financially cripple the patient, carers and family.

Individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma may have to reduce their working hours or leave their jobs because of treatment. Caregivers may also miss work to accompany their loved ones to appointments therapy or doctor. Veterans will also feel the pinch when long-term disability benefits through the VA, Social Security Disability or their private insurer are delayed.

The treatments, such as chemotherapy and surgery, are expensive and usually more than one is carried out, compounding the burden of these therapies.

Association of Social workers in oncology in 09 conducted a survey of cancer patients, their caregivers and oncology social workers to investigate the extent that financial stressors affecting cancer patients and their families.

The results indicated many patients struggling with cancer pay their medical bills, in addition to their household expenses.

  • 30 percent of cancer patients delayed getting their prescriptions filled because they lacked the funds.
  • 22 percent reported skipping doses of medication to their prescriptions last longer.
  • 40 percent of cancer patients and caregivers admitted that they exhaust their savings since the cancer diagnosis.
  • 66 percent of those experiencing financial strain reported symptoms of depression and anxiety.

expenses continue to increase

Although many mesothelioma patients and their families are forced to survive on the reduced income, expenses usually increase due to medical expenses not covered by insurance, as well as additional personal expenses.

many patients are responsible for their share to each doctor visit, go to chemo, diagnostic test or surgery.

other patients must meet an annual deductible and must pay a percentage of their medical expenses. Traveling to meet a mesothelioma specialist can add expenses such as airfare, hotel accommodations and restaurants away from home. Some patients and caregivers should hire help to clean the house or take care of the court if the patient and the caregiver are unable to manage these functions.

Financial support for mesothelioma patients is available from a variety of sources:

  • Copays for doctor visits, medications, diagnostic tests
  • Transportation to and from treatment
  • Babysitting (if mesothelioma patient has young children)
  • drugs (if the patient has no prescription coverage)
  • consumer spending
  • medical supplies (wigs, prostheses, shower chairs, etc.)

financial assistance from the government

There are many government and community agencies that provide financial assistance, support and resources for patients with mesothelioma.


Social Security Disability is available for mesothelioma patients who got enough work credits throughout their lives and meet their disability criteria.

The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program pays benefits to adults and children with disabilities who have limited income and resources.

veterans may be entitled to additional financial benefits by the US Veterans Administration and should contact the social worker at their VA clinic or hospital for more information.

State level

States vary in the types and amounts of financial assistance they offer to their residents. Most state programs offer temporary assistance, food assistance programs, assistance in cash and temporary Medicaid health benefits to those who don ?? t have health coverage or lose it.

The state programs are usually based on income or assets. The best way to find programs available in your state is seeking your government website of the State for financial assistance.

County and municipal level

There are many options locally, too. These programs may include rent or mortgage assistance and help pay utility or phone bills. Eligibility is based on income and assets.

Those who need financial assistance should ask what programs are available to them at the federal, state and local level.

Other groups offer financial assistance

private cancer support organizations and nonprofits also offer financial assistance and other valuable resources for cancer patients.

the best place to start looking for these resources is the Financial Coalition support for cancer (CFAC). You can search by location, type of cancer diagnosis and the type of assistance required, such as transportation, copays and medical equipment, among others.

Because mesothelioma is a rare diagnosis, don ?? t limit your search to only mesothelioma resources. To choose ?? all cancer diagnoses ?? will open more options for resources in your search for help

Some of these organizations offer specific types of support to cancer patients eligible :.

  • CancerCare: assistance with transportation, medical equipment and child care expenses
  • American Cancer Society: .. Help transportation
  • Angel Flight :. drivers donate their time and aircraft to transport patients to treatment centers
  • Joe ?? s house: Provides housing material resources in large processing centers of cancer throughout the US
  • Copay Relief :. Offers assistance with copays for doctor visits and medications

Your oncology or hospital clinic also may have an oncology social worker who knows the different hospital resources and Community available for you.

These potentially useful resources can be broadcast on the site CFAC. In addition, some hospitals have their own programs to help their patients with transportation, lodging or other types of financial resources available only to their patients.

Do not Give Up Search Help

When searching for financial aid, be exhaustive and repetitive in your search.

Some programs receive grants or other funding sources each calendar or fiscal year, so if a particular cancer support organization doesn ?? t have the funds now to help you, they can receive new funding in the future.

If a loved one or friend offers to help, enlist them in search of financial support, especially if you have trouble finding the strength or the time to research.

mesothelioma patients and their caregivers can find the financial burden of dealing with their cancer added strain when dealing with the disease and its therapeutic effects. However, there are financial resources out there that can help ease this burden.

It may take some hard work and determination to find financial help, but these are easy tasks delegated to our loved ones if it sounds too. overwhelming

questions and answers online support group in October

Q: If you are on social security, can you ask for Social Security Disability

A :. No, but you can ask for Supplemental Security Income

Q: Where can I learn more about clinical trials work

A: We made a web page for help you learn more about clinical trials of mesothelioma and how they work. You can also view a slideshow on clinical trials in our recap of the group in January 2014 support online, which takes place through the different phases and how eligibility and participation work

Q: . How to undergo surgery for mesothelioma

? A: This will depend on the operation being performed, the type and stage of mesothelioma a person has, and the patient's overall health. You can learn more about the different types of surgery here, and you can reach out to other people with mesothelioma who may have undergone surgery through the Facebook page of mesothelioma ?? Centre.

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