Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Mesothelioma patients may benefit from therapy laugh

Mesothelioma patients may benefit from therapy laugh -

Romantic poet Lord Byron wrote: "Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine. "

But is this really the medicine? Some say yes!

From the 13th century, doctors and philosophers documented how humor distracts patients from feeling pain, and that the exercise of muscles, lungs and other internal organs.

the 1979 publication "Anatomy of an illness," in which he attributes laughter to heal his painful rheumatoid disease Norman Cousins, popularized the belief that laughter reduced pain.

"Although some anticipated effects have been obtained [these] results are often inconsistent ... to draw definitive conclusions," University of Western Ontario, a psychology professor Rod A. Martin wrote in his study 01 laughter and physical health.

However, Martin said that the most well-controlled studies of the effects of humor show "pain threshold or increased tolerance."

Despite the lack of scientific evidence to prove these theories, many hospitals and cancer centers incorporate laughter as a complementary treatment to conventional therapies such as surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

"laughter in itself can not cure cancer or prevent cancer," social psychologist Harold Benjamin, Ph.D., said. "But the laughter as part of the full range of positive emotions, including hope, love, faith, strong will to live, determination and purpose, can be an important and indispensable part of the total fight for recovery. "

laughter clubs

the Mind-Body medicine Program at the cancer treatment Centers of America offers therapy sessions for patients of humor, also known as laughter clubs or groups of humor.

These sessions help patients overcome their illness and the side effects of conventional cancer treatments. A team of experts welcome these groups in cancer centers for the convenience of patients and their caregivers.

laugh therapy sessions are not based on humor or jokes, but rather on exercises related to laugh-and "false laughter" designed to stimulate laughing authentic participant answers.

Laughter Yoga

another form of laughter therapy is a mind-body approach to health and well-being known as laughter yoga.

laughter yoga therapy is a combination of laughter without restriction and yoga breathing techniques that allows people to laugh with a good heart without involving logical thinking.

participants treatment sessions of laughter yoga are taught to spend breathing from the chest abdominals to control their emotions.

Doctor Madan Kataria founded the University Yoga Laughter based in Mumbai in 1995. Since then, laughter yoga has become a worldwide phenomenon with more than 6,000 social laughter clubs in operation.

There are over 450 laughter clubs across the United States, and most of them include complimentary weekly meetings. .

The techniques used in laughter yoga requires no equipment and can do in the privacy of your own home

According to the website of Kataria, physical and emotional benefits of therapy laughter include:

  • strengthened immune system
  • improved oxygen supply
  • Relaxation of the whole body
  • stimulation of the heart and lung
  • Relieved muscle tension
  • controlling blood pressure
    • improved mental function
    • improved mood
    • Reduced stress
    • Increased energy
    • improved sleep pattern
    • better quality of life

patients and caregivers cancer Laughing Together

Nobody wants to be sad all the time or surrounded by unhappy people.

Above all, those who have cancer want and need to be welcomed and treated in the same way as before they became ill. The cancer has not changed who they are or what they like to do.

If having a good laugh is one of those things, they should be encouraged to do so at every opportunity. Caregivers, family members and friends would laugh with them without feeling guilty.

The natural diversion of shared laughter can bring a sense of closeness and boost morale, making it possible for everyone to forget about the cancer for a while.

Remember: Laughter is fun, free and can be enjoyed anywhere at any time. If you are providing care for a loved one with cancer, here are some things you can do to make her laugh again in your life:

  • Watch a comedy on television or in the movies
  • Spend time with friends who have a good sense of humor.
  • Listen to good jokes and share them with the other.
  • a new game of charades.
  • Play fun games with your grandchildren.
  • Play with your pet.
  • Find time to enjoy fun activities together.

laughter really is the best medicine

in good times and bad, there is nothing better than a good laugh to calm our senses and bring our mind and body in balance.

More than any other activity, laughter can lighten our burden, connect us to others and keep us centered. Our ability to laugh often is a wonderful tool that we can use to enrich our relationships and improve our physical and emotional well-being.

Laughter is contagious. Every time we hear the laughter, it is impossible not to smile and want to join the party.

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