Saturday, September 3, 2016

Mesothelioma patients can benefit from hypnotherapy

Mesothelioma patients can benefit from hypnotherapy -
The word ?? Hypnotism ?? used to scare me.
My mother taught us to avoid, even if I did not understand the reasons for the warning.

 I certainly didn ?? t want anyone else ?? take control ?? of my mind.
I recently discovered hypnotherapy to myself.

After several meetings with Sandy Drenner, a hypnotist and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) practitioner in Orlando, I can tell you first hand there is nothing to fear.
 She helped me deal with some self-esteem issues and also helped me to form new beliefs about how I define success.

And when I discovered hypnotism can benefit mesothelioma patients and their friends and family, I knew it was time to learn more.
So I spoke with Drenner extensively on the subject. I wish you the conversation as much as I did

The hidden wonders of hypnotism

Q:.? How hypnotherapy can be helpful for mesothelioma patients and their families
A: clinical / medical support hypnotherapy can provide physical and emotional support. 
Customers can be learned to calm the body by using self hypnosis, how to manage the effects of pain, allowing the physical comfort of the body.
Hypnosis can also prepare clients for medical examinations to come and surgery, allowing the body to be calmer and receive treatment.
I had the privilege of working with people with cancer.
 I find hypnosis a complement to medical treatment.
 It is designed to complement what doctors do and create the best environment for the body to heal.
For patients and their families, it can be a very therapeutic way to deal with emotions and even grow spiritually if desired.
And for us, it can help to accept the transient nature of this life ?? that each of us or move ?? transition ?? somewhere else

Q :. We spoke of "hypnotism" as a word that some people, including myself, have an adverse reaction to. Can you describe what it is?
A: You are correct in that statement. 
Many people imagine a man with wide eyes saying ?? Look into my eyes, ?? or ?? Stare at this watch. ?? One of my biggest challenges as a hypnotist is Debunking some myths.
First, hypnosis is a natural state where selective thinking is maintained.
Athletes call it being ?? in the zone. ?? If you look at sports, and watch the eyes in particular, you can begin to identify when this happens.
If you've been driving home, and lost in thought, which is another form of ?? trance.? ? You stopped at a red light, turned left and were driving smoothly in your driveway, but you really ?? not remember the drive. Meanwhile, there was communication and synergy between the conscious and unconscious mind, and indeed, your subconscious says ?? I know the way home, just think about it thing.??
In formal hypnosis, we are able to develop the same communication, allowing greater and much faster change, sustainable change

Q :. What are some of the myths associated with hypnotherapy?
Myth: In hypnosis, you lose control; people make you do something
The truth .. The ego is always present, and this means that you will never do anything you morally opposed to
Myth :. You can get stuck in hypnosis
The truth: You can not get stuck in hypnosis.
 It is a natural state that you can easily get out.
 If you listen to a record and go to sleep, you wake up feeling very refreshed
Myth: .. Hypnosis is a truth serum
The truth: Actually, not at all.
Remember the ego is always present.
People can be in hypnosis if they want.
 That is why trust is so important between the hypnotist and the client

Q :. I want to describe hypnotherapy Is this correct "working on the subconscious" Why or why not
R.?:? I prefer to say that hypnosis works with the subconscious All your beliefs and memories.
are stored in the subconscious.
and your memories and beliefs affect your habits and how you feel.
Not only spiritual, but all beliefs.
This means that if you started to believe at a very young age that clowns are scary, you might be in my chair at age 62 ask for help so that you can go to your grand-son? birthday party ?! We can let go and adopt a new belief using hypnosis.

and on a more serious note, if you start believing that you are not good or failure, you act on that belief in a negative manner. hypnosis allows you freedom to adopt a new belief

Q:.? What attracted you to this field
A:. Like many people, hypnotherapy was unknown to me and I did not know if it was real.
But as is often the case, life intervened.
One day I found myself outside at a national sales meeting.
 For me, it was oppressive hot that day, and I began to sweat profusely and my heart started pounding.
All I could think was that I had to find an air-conditioned room ASAP! It was the closest thing to a panic attack, I knew.

To help calm me down, my vice president began to tell me a story of how she discovered hypnosis and the many benefits of hypnosis.
She finished the discussion with, ?? You should buy a book and try it.??
So when I got home, I did just that.
As I followed the instructions and learn how to practice self-hypnosis, my sleep immediately corrected as have other personal problems.
As I grew more proficient in self-hypnosis, relaxation of body and mind, I then learned to target areas that I wanted to change.

As my husband finished his degree in mental health counseling, I seized the opportunity and hypnotherapy formally studied.
It was a radical step.
Hypnosis is an unregulated field, and I wanted to train intensively.

I chose a school that not only taught, but then had coaches on site we broke into groups to hone our skills.
 I knew all the therapies that I make with people, which is important for me as a professional.

I moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico for two months and studied hypnotherapy, hypnotherapy advanced hypnotherapy support / medical clinic and also received certification in blissborn, a therapy for the childbirth comfortable with hypnosis.

The following year, I studied NLP, and have three certifications in this.
More recently, I studied sourcing inner spirit, which is a blend of hypnotherapy and NLP. I nearly 2,000 hours of training.

Q. Talk about appointment of hypnosis is like. Does the customer hypnotized all the time? Will they remember? And how long is a session?
A. You should expect to fill out paperwork and have an interview process to determine what your goal is and what your expectations are.
 For example, some people may want ?? reduce ?? on alcohol consumption.
 We need to determine exactly what that means.
It could be a glass per year or three drinks at dinner.
Hypnosis is usually induced the first session.
Expect to be asked to get in a comfortable position ?? many use a chair ?? and direct your attention to relaxation.
There are many ways to get in hypnosis; you may be directed to look at a spot on the wall while the hypnotist guide your thoughts in relaxation and spend to achieve your goal, or something similar then.

Just like when you dream, you are aware of the sounds around you, but usually don ?? t care much; which is what usually happens in hypnosis.
 Most people remember much, if not all, of what is said. If you are nervous about it, you can request to record the session.

Depending on the type of problem being solved, a session can last from 60 to 0 minutes.

Q. How patients and their families can find a reputable hypnotherapist in their area?
A. First, I would like to search for ?? hypnosis associations ?? online.
For example, I am a member of the International Association Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy (IMDHA).
 On this site, he lists hypnotists and their development.
There are several associations, and some are naturally more active in the region of the country where they are located.

seek resources, recommendations of other cancer patients

Look clinical or medical support training a hypnotist.
This training focuses on assisting clients with medical problems.
Some hypnotists focus on one thing at first, like quitting smoking, so you want a hypnotist with your needed attention.
If you're seeing a licensed counselor, ask if they have a hypnosis certification.
 If so, ask if they have a medical support hypnotherapy training.

Do not forget to ask others in similar situations if they looked a hypnotherapist and ask about their experiences.

Finally, let me tell you, the readers, are my heroes.
You learn to navigate through a very difficult time in life.
 My prayer is that you support and you care so richly desire.
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