Tuesday, May 2, 2017

What Are the Risk Factors, or Who Gets Mesothelioma?

What Are the Risk Factors, or Who Gets Mesothelioma? -

People who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma have, at some point in their lives, worked on employment or been in an environment where they were exposed to asbestos fibers. factory workers. Shipbuilders. brake repair. Construction workers. asbestos miners. And the list goes on and on. As Sue Vento told in 100 Questions and answers about mesothelioma, there have been countless individuals unconsciously exposed while serving in the military project or home renovation.

In the past, most people I've had the privilege of speaking with worked in the asbestos industry or have been exposed to asbestos by the household exposure from a family member who worked with or around asbestos.

But to quote Bob Dylan, "... the times they are a changing." The number of people diagnosed with mesothelioma, without known occupational exposure, is increasing. These numbers include victims younger age and women.

I grew up in the Midwest, where everyone thinks they can do themselves. When I was ten years old, we lived in a small ranch house 1957 three rooms where the kitchen was not big enough to accommodate our growing family. My father and his friends decided to hit a wall and extend the kitchen and dining room in my room.

It was a disaster! There was dust flying everywhere as drywall they used hammers and saws to cut through the wall. Their plan was to tear down the wall and move around the kitchen cabinets and the sink on the outside wall. Fortunately, the plumbing for the sink prevented them from dropping any home. Being the oldest and only daughter, it was my duty to sweep the mess, made not only by the demolition crew, but my little brothers who built a fort in the living room with large pieces of drywall.

I'm sure if we stop to think about life, there are probably a number of times one has been exposed to asbestos. Since the construction boom after World War II to cover retardant pajamas and barbecue aprons worn for backyard parties. These are the "Wonder Years", where life was good and everything was made of asbestos.

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