There are many misconceptions about mesothelioma, especially because the disease is so rare and little information is readily available. While the US government has severely restricted the use of asbestos ?? the main cause ?? s ?? cancer misunderstandings about this toxic mineral can lead to harmful exposures. We have put together a list of the misconceptions most common. Hopefully they will answer some questions about the treatment, diagnosis and how cancer develops
mesothelioma Myths
Myth: .. It is lung cancer
Fact: Although forms of pleural mesothelioma on the outer lining of the lungs and lining of the chest wall, it is not considered a lung cancer. Doctors who don ?? t specialize in asbestos-related condition sometimes confuse for mesothelioma lung cancer, leading to misdiagnosis
Myth :.
Made It ?? s caused by smoking. smoking does not cause this cancer, or increase your risk of developing if you have been exposed to asbestos. However, smokers have a greater chance of developing lung cancer if they were also exposed to asbestos
Myth :. It only affects the lungs
Done :. Although about 75 percent of all mesothelioma develop in the chest, the disease has several other types. peritoneal mesothelioma, the second most common type accounting for 10-20 percent of all cases, forms on the wall of the abdomen. much rarer forms include pericardial mesothelioma, which develops on the lining of the heart and testicular mesothelioma, which affects the lining of the testicles
Myth: .. Only those widely exposed to asbestos should worry
Fact: medical studies have proven that even a very small amount of asbestos exposure can cause this type of cancer. More frequently, patients develop mesothelioma and other asbestos-related conditions after being exposed to high levels of asbestos over a long period of time
Myth: Cancer is contagious ..
Fact: Some cancers are hereditary, but none are contagious. Mesothelioma is neither contagious nor hereditary. However, family members may develop after secondary exposure, which usually happens when a loved brings fiber to the home asbestos on their body or clothing after working around asbestos
Myth :. It develops only in older people.
Fact: Although the average age of a mesothelioma patient is 60, young adults and children can develop cancer. Research has shown the average age of diagnosis is decreasing due to increased incidence of secondary exposure
misconceptions about asbestos
Myth :. Asbestos is banned in the United States
is negative health effects of asbestos prompted the US government to ban all new uses of material in 1989, but it remains legal for certain applications. products containing asbestos are not prohibited in the United States include clothing, brake and clutch components for automobiles and a wide range of building materials
Myth :. Companies that manufacture asbestos products sold and were unaware of the dangers of exposure to asbestos.
Fact: Documents litigation asbestos revealed that some of the biggest names in the industry of asbestos orchestrated a massive cover-up to hide the health risks of public of asbestos. The industry leaders claimed they often unaware of the health risks of asbestos before 1964 but the evidence shows that some companies hid the results of studies showing high rates of disease among asbestos workers 1929.
Myth: If you find asbestos in your home, you must remove it as soon as possible
Done :. in most cases, the asbestos-containing materials in good condition do not pose health risks and should be left alone. However, if a material is damaged or could be disturbed in the future, removal or other action may be necessary. Asbestos removal should be completed by certified asbestos contractors
Myth: .. Mesothelioma is the only disease caused by asbestos
Fact: breathing asbestos can lead to a variety of cancer and noncancerous diseases, including lung cancer and asbestosis. progressive conditions such as asbestosis, pleural plaques and pleural thickening are not cancerous but can cause pain and make breathing more difficult. Other conditions include asbestos-related pleural effusion, pleural effusion, atelectasis and COPD
Myth: .. Asbestos is the only cause of mesothelioma
Fact: Although exposure to asbestos is the most clearly defined cause of mesothelioma, researchers have identified several factors that may increase the risk of a person ?? s for the development of cancer. Another class of zeolites known as mineral fibers may also cause mesothelioma. There are some reports of increased risk of mesothelioma after a person receives radiation treatment for other cancers. Another potential cause is SV40, a virus that has infected millions of vaccines against polio from 1955 to 1963.
Myth :. Asbestos is a mineral
Fact: There are six different types of asbestos that can be classified as serpentine and amphibole. Chrysotile or white asbestos is the only serpentine shape. Named for its curly and flexible fibers, it represents about 95 percent of asbestos in the US The other types are amphibole, which have thin and stiff fibers. All forms of asbestos can cause mesothelioma, but some studies show amphibole are particularly harmful. Amphibole fibers needles penetrate soft tissue and stay longer in the lungs than chrysotile
Myth: .. Masks can protect yourself from asbestos
Fact: Not all masks and respirators can protect people against harmful exposures. Most paper dust masks are not sufficient to filter asbestos in the air, so that the experts use a half-mask respirator with a HEPA filter purple designed for asbestos. Even these masks may fail if they do ?? t fit well. In addition, the secondary exposure can occur in family members if workers bring home asbestos on their clothes, tools, hair or work boots
Misconceptions surrounding a mesothelioma diagnosis
Myth :. Mesothelioma develops in men.
Fact: The mesothelioma develops in women, too. When exposure to asbestos was at its highest in the middle of the 20th century, men have dominated the industrial working class. At the time, many industrial jobs existed where exposure to asbestos was widespread. Since much of mesothelioma cases are the result of exposure in industrial settings, men are diagnosed predominant sex. On average, men are four times more likely to be diagnosed with mesothelioma than women
Myth: .. Early diagnosis is impossible
Fact: in because of the long latency period associated with this cancer, many patients do not experience symptoms until decades after exposure to asbestos. Researchers are constantly developing new diagnostic methods involving blood and genetic tests that prolong patient survival rates through early diagnosis
Mesothelioma Treatment Myths
Myth: The prognosis is .. still poor
Fact: Although there is no cure for asbestos-related cancer, physicians and researchers have set up treatment plans reduce symptoms and to work on the extension of patients ?? lives. Survival rates have increased in recent years. In one study, up to 30 percent of patients diagnosed in early lived more than five years after diagnosis. Early detection can play a vital role in improving the prognosis
Myth :. It is an incurable cancer
Done :. A number of different treatment options available for patients ?? even those who don ?? t qualify for surgery. Doctors constantly develop and improve treatments to make them more effective against the disease. Clinical trials are also exploring new treatment options that seek a remedy and means to improve the quality of life of mesothelioma patients
Myth :. Treatment involves chemotherapy
Done :. While being processed gold standard involves a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, this isn plane ?? t better for everyone. If a patient doesn ?? t qualify for aggressive treatments, such as surgery or chemotherapy, or chooses to deny there are always other options. Rich D., a survivor of two years of pleural mesothelioma, a lung surgery savings but decided against chemotherapy and radiotherapy. With the help of the graviola herb, Rich prevented the cancer from returning. Many other survivors have found success with complementary and alternative treatments
Misconceptions About your rights
Myth: .. Minutes of asbestos are expensive
Fact: filing a lawsuit asbestos is low risk because most lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. This means that if the prosecution is successful, you will pay a percentage of the price to your lawyer. Otherwise, you pay nothing. Be sure to discuss this with your lawyer percentage before moving to a claim
Myth :. It takes too long to receive compensation
Done :. Although the legal process could take several months or more, patients in poor health can apply to have their case expedited. This can speed up the process, but patients must provide sufficient evidence that asbestos has caused their health complications.