Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Survivor Cares More help others and refuse to live in fear

Survivor Cares More help others and refuse to live in fear -

F. Paul spent much of his life as a social worker, to help people disabilities in finding employment for people with disabilities, teaching children and adults, and always lend a helping hand to the less fortunate.

Even in school, he was a selfless giver, befriending those without friends, support the oppressed, to care about others he cared about himself. He was there to serve.

And malignant pleural mesothelioma will not change. A year after being diagnosed with this rare cancer, but aggressive, Paul remains the same reflection, happy-go-lucky, good heart soul, a soothing voice to family and friends.

"I may not be alive much longer, but I am not afraid to die. I really do not live in fear. I'm not worried about what comes next, "he said his home near Albuquerque, NM" When you're facing death, it is an interesting place to be. "His name is withheld for privacy.

There is no bitterness in his voice, no regret key, no feeling that someone gave him an unfair hand. He will be grateful for the time he survives, making the most of every day he has.

Paul, 62, is a bit younger than most who are diagnosed with this terrible disease, but faces the same long survival. Her cancer has already metastasized, that ended any chance of potentially curative surgery.

faith in God and positive thinking

A chemotherapy regimen does not work, either, not making him sicker than he ever is was causing her liver to malfunction, and getting them to reject most traditional treatment advice.

instead, he turned to his faith in God, belief in miracles and the power of positive thinking, hoping its own immune system could keep going.

"I have not had a real good experience with hospitals and doctors, but I would not discourage anyone from going this route," he said. "I enjoy life now, life like nothing is wrong. One of my prayers is that I let God know I'm OK with that. I am not with gloom. He has a good plan for me. "

His last analysis it a few weeks ago showed the new tumor growth very little, which is encouraging. It currently no fluid around his lungs, and his breathing returned to normal. It studied the possibility of an upcoming clinical trial of mesothelioma in Houston, but mostly with the hope that it may help others who follow him.

"This is almost a blessing for me because that I have time to take care of responsibilities, to do the things that must be done, "he said." it is more difficult for everyone around me. It can trigger a lot of anxiety for some. Me personally, I'm fine. I do not know how long I'll live, but there are no guarantees for any of us. "

He maintains live His life

Paul is determined to continue to live life to those around him. He wants to see some of these people he helped in his career as a social worker, where he made many friends for life. most of the time, he made plans for the future.

There is a Scottish festival in Colorado and he always wants to see holiday Arizona he wants to. He has a brother in San Diego and a sister in Philadelphia he expects to visit this summer.

"I've been lucky. I am married to the same woman for 38 years. I have a son, a daughter and five grandchildren, four sisters and a brother, "he said. "I feel even younger than 62 years, and I know that God took care of me."

Unlike many, Paul was not completely stunned by his diagnosis of mesothelioma, cancer caused by exposure to asbestos fibers. He was diagnosed there is more than one decade with a pleural thickening liner around a lung, a symptom that is often a precursor of mesothelioma.

This also can be caused by exposure to asbestos, which may have come there nearly 40 years when he worked briefly in a factory in Philadelphia.

Yet Paul barely noticed a problem until the end of 2011. For much of his life he was an avid hiker. He played volleyball, softball and loved the outdoors.

"I was active all my life, and then suddenly had this shortness. We were outside one day skiing, and usually I'm in the lead, having a great time. Suddenly, I could not follow, could not catch my breath, "he said." I knew something was wrong. Here's how it all started. "

Paul still spends much of his time encouraging others. The dull pain in his side and chest before the recalls what he faces, but he has not for stop.

"Discouragement is a difficult thing for people to overcome, but I do not have to deal with this because I am comfortable with what is going on in my life. I accept it, "he said." If you think it might help someone else, I am happy to share my story. "

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