Friday, November 4, 2016

Asbestos Awareness Week Events Centre with mesothelioma

Asbestos Awareness Week Events Centre with mesothelioma -

Did you know that the National Week asbestos awareness is April 1-7? Thank you to the ongoing fight against asbestos in the workplace by US Senator Max Baucus (D-Montana) , resolution 389 was adopted and it means the first seven days of April as a special week .

here in mesothelioma Centre, we could not be more excited that asbestos issues finally become nationally recognized.

Throughout the week we will have a series of events taking place on our Facebook page. Here's what we have planned:

Monday we ask you to share photos of your loved ones affected by a disease related to asbestos on our wall, we will add to our album "the fight against asbestos, face to face." This will continue throughout the week, so if you miss your luck Monday is not lost.

Tuesday , we'll have a poll question related to asbestos to see how people are really informed about the dangers of asbestos. You will be able to share our survey on your own wall to spread the knowledge.

Wednesday , we'll share a video on how asbestos has affected and continues to affect the lives of people around the world. again, you can share that video on your wall as well ?? the more people who hear and see this information, the harder it will be for the dangers of asbestos to be ignored.

People Holding Hands Join us on Thursday in a virtual Mars to ban asbestos. We will upload a picture that we would like to share with everyone you can in a virtual stand against the production and use of asbestos. It does not become easier to show your support for the fight to ban asbestos as that.

And Friday we will have a "Caption This" contest. We upload a picture and you all have to take a picture to the photo captions in the comments section. The comment of the legend with the most "Likes" on Monday morning at 10 am (EDT) wins a loot bag for us, including a shirt awareness.

Throughout the week we will give advice on how to raise awareness, as well as downloading of asbestos facts and graphics that you can share with friends and families.

and as always, we will display blog posts and daily press articles.

We become aware of asbestos seriously here mesothelioma Centre. Our question for you: How are you aware during Awareness Week to asbestos

Stay updated on all of our awareness of asbestos activities Week on Facebook, Twitter and Google + [1945005?]

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