Friday, October 7, 2016

How cancer patients can manage anger | Online support group

How cancer patients can manage anger | Online support group -

Anger is a common emotional state, normal that we feel from time to time. It can range from mild irritation or discomfort to intense fury and rage.
When we feel anger, physiological changes in our body take place, including increased blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature and adrenaline, a natural stress hormone.

News stories are full of people who are unable to manage their anger and cause injury to property, themselves or others. Road rage is more in common with aggressive drivers become to other drivers, causing damage to threats and even shots.

Some people have become so overwhelmed by anger after losing their jobs that they return to the workplace with a gun get even. Unfortunately, it seems more and more people lose control of their anger and causing injury.

Fight or Flight Response

What should we do with this very common emotion, but potentially dangerous?

understand a little why we experience anger helps us disseminate and to more effectively manage this feeling. When we believe that we are threatened, we instinctively respond with anger and aggression. This is actually an adaptive response that allows us to protect ourselves and our family when we need to fight an attacker who wants to harm us or rob us.

This instinct to fight and protect was necessary back in the Stone Age when humans had to look for food, fight other tribes for land and resources, and fight against the attack animals on a daily basis to survive.

In modern times, we rarely have to fight the attackers physically or protect our property. However, today we can feel anger when we have to wait too long in the doctor ?? s desktop, when someone cuts in front of us in the checkout line at the store or when someone is rude to us.

anger may feel out of control and unpredictable, but we all have the opportunity to take control of how we manage this intense emotion. The consequence of not learn to manage our anger expression is that we can develop physical problems such as hypertension, chronic headaches, digestive disorders and insomnia.
Our personal and professional relationships suffer when we behave aggressively towards others.

challenges for cancer patients

mesothelioma patients and their caregivers have challenges and problems to solve on a daily basis that can lead to feeling frustrated and angry. Some of the common reasons that mesothelioma patients and caregivers may feel angry include:

  • Delay in diagnosis or misdiagnosis
  • Out-of-pocket medical expenses not covered by insurance
  • delay in social security or VA disability
  • Denial or delay referral to a specialist mesothelioma
  • occupational exposure
  • the absence of a cure for mesothelioma
  • Injustice to their diagnosis and prognosis

the first step in managing anger is acknowledging his presence and understanding emotion is acceptable in the light of a diagnosis of mesothelioma.

healthy ways to manage anger

we aren ?? t able to avoid all the things that enrage us or change people and events beyond our control. But we can learn to change our reaction to these things:

  • Expressing anger
  • The removal and redirection of our anger
  • we Calmer

Expressing anger

If we are able to find a way to talk confidently about what bothers us the person who has upset us, then we are more likely to get our issue addressed.

for example, if our doctor works constantly late for our appointment, so we can feel naturally angry. Some patients don ?? t express their anger at all. Other patients may divert their anger and start shouting at the office assistant who are not responsible for the physician to be late. However, if we are able to speak confidently to the doctor about our anger, we are more likely to have addressed our concerns.

assertive communication is a skill we need to learn because we are not born with it. To communicate assertively our needs, we must first clarify our exact needs.

In the example of the doctor constantly being late, our need may be that we need to see our doctor timely because we have to return to work. We need an explanation for their delay.

Then we can say directly to our doctor ?? no staff ?? we feel like our time is less valuable than them when we still wait over an hour to be seen. One can then ask to be scheduled on a less busy day or to ask what else can be done to be seen in a timely manner.

Deleting and forwarding Our anger

When we remove and redirect our anger, we recognize that we are angry, but we keep and redirect positively or constructively. In situations where anger disappoint us, but we Aren ?? t able to communicate assertively with yone, then swallow our anger and to engage in another activity is useful
Some healthy ways to redirect our anger include :.

  • Tell a friend
  • take a walk or go workout to romp
  • Write about what bothers us
  • Try to see the humor in the situation if possible
  • Avoid catastrophizing the situation that made us angry

Calming strategies

we need to be aware of how our body feels when we're angry. Some physical symptoms that people experience when they are angry include:

  • Headache
  • Feeling flushed
  • heart rate Racing
  • Breathlessness
  • stomach in knots
  • shaking or trembling

When we notice that we begin to feel angry and can ?? t express, delete or redirect our anger, the best solution is to try and calm down. Activities such as taking the dog for a walk, lying down and take deep breaths, a massage, listen to music or do something that soothes we will help disseminate our anger effectively.

It is also useful if you have a hobby like scrapbooking, woodworking, playing cards or painting.

Unfortunately, there are times when the mesothelioma patients or their caregivers become irritable or verbally aggressive towards their families because of their anger and frustration dealing with mesothelioma challenges. This is called the displaced anger.

Sometimes we take our anger out on those we are closest to, because we are convinced that they will love us regardless of our impulses. It is important to realize this displaced anger is very damaging to our close relationships because we can not have these loved ones in our lives if we treat evil.

There are many understandable reasons patients with mesothelioma and relatives will feel anger in their battle with the disease.

But it is important that we maximize quality of life and preserve our important relationships by managing our anger in a healthy way.

Questions and Answers September Online Support Group

Q: Is that the small intestine usually removed during surgery for someone with peritoneal mesothelioma

a: This is a rare case, but it can occur if the surgeon needs better access to the tumor. (This was the case for someone on the call)

Q:.? Stomach cramps and diarrhea common after surgery of peritoneal mesothelioma

A: The symptoms vary from person to person, but in rare cases the intestine may need to be removed in order to remove the tumor in its entirety. The side effects include gas or cramping lower abdominal pain

Q:.? What is the short bowel syndrome and how can it affect someone with peritoneal mesothelioma

A: short bowel syndrome can affect someone who had a part of their intestine removed. This syndrome can affect someone as a significant amount of their intestine removed. It usually does not occur to most people, and it happens when a huge amount of the intestine is removed. If you or someone you know is suffering from short bowel syndrome advocacy groups that help people with Crohn's disease ?? may be able to provide resources to minimize pain and other side effects

Q :. If someone with mesothelioma were vaccinated against influenza before or after the treatment? What caregivers

? A: Yes, vaccines against influenza are usually important for anyone with a lung disorder, but be sure to talk with your oncologist when to get a vaccine against the flu if you ?? re undergoing cancer treatment. Caregivers and anyone in close contact with a cancer patient should receive a vaccine against influenza as well, including children. A version of nasal spray vaccine against influenza is now available for children aged between two and eight

Q:.? Someone with mesothelioma can fly on a plane or be around a big crowd of people

A: If you feel healthy and if your doctor approves, you can fly and be in public. If you have recently had surgery or chemotherapy, the immune system may be too small to spend much time in public. It is best to wait until you have ?? recovered from cancer treatment prior to steal or grab a large crowd. There are steps you can take to protect yourself in these types of situations, such as wearing a protective mask or using bacterial wipes to disinfect your seat on the plane

Q :. ? Can you get mesothelioma radiation

A: Yes, but it is quite rare. An estimated 80 to 0 percent of all cases of mesothelioma are caused by prolonged exposure to asbestos. However, a small number of cases are due to an irradiation treatment other cancers such as breast cancer and Hodgkin's disease. ?? secondary cancers developing radiation therapy is most often 10 to 20 years after treatment.

If you have questions Monitoring anything discussed here, you can call [[++default_phone_number]] to speak with Karen Selby, our nurse on staff. Do not miss the next online support group, Wednesday, October 8 register today!

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