Michelle M. wanted something special - something she could keep - to commemorate the 10 last years. She wanted something that could help him through the next decade, too.
She wanted FAITH, a blue and red tattoo written in cursive inside of her left wrist, where she could find any time she needed an emotional lift.
No other word is best summed up and symbolized his life. She and her best friend from Texas got tattoos matching in August
As a survivor of 10 years of peritoneal mesothelioma cancer, Michelle discovered how powerful these five letters can be.
"I believe everything happens for a reason. I have faith that God has a plan for me. After all I am through, it would be impossible to think otherwise," she said Asbestos.com his home in New Port Richey, Florida. " Sometimes I live from day to day, week after week; but I still have faith that things will work for me. It's part of who I am. "
Michelle, 54, is a determined woman strong will, a former body builder and now a single mother raising her child alone while fighting against an incurable cancer . his last name is withheld for privacy.
Daughter Alexandra is 15 now, but she was only 3 when his father left and never returned, and only 5 when her mother received beautiful diagnosis that changed their way in life forever.
"It has not been easy on her, at this age, looking at her mother sick, without hair on the head of chemotherapy. She became my guardian at a very young age, "said Michelle. "We had very good friends and family who helped us through, but she had to grow up quickly. I live for her today."
Asbestos in the Empire State Building
Michelle grew up in New York, where she worked in the historic center, but aging, the Empire State Building. She was there in the mid 80s, during a major renovation project that often leaves a thin layer of dust on his desk twice a day, never knowing how dangerous it was. It was the same office where she often ate lunch she packed and brought home.
Mesothelioma is caused by inhaling or ingesting asbestos, which was a major material in the construction of the famous landmark of New York.
what she originally thought had gynecological health problems 15 years after she left her job later were diagnosed as peritoneal mesothelioma, a cancer of the lining of the abdomen.
"I almost fell the table when I was told. It was not like breast cancer or cervical cancer, or something I know something", they say her. "I did not know how long I would live. It was almost surreal. Everything I had read or heard of mesothelioma was bad. I just thought I would die young automatically. "
As unfortunate as it was ?? thousands were exposed but only a handful of developed mesothelioma ?? she was lucky that her diagnosis came earlier than most, before the cancer was too away.
also works in his favor was his relative youth. She was only 44, 20 years younger than the typical mesothelioma patient. She was also in great physical condition, which allowed him to resist six cycles of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Four years later, however, after she and Alexandra had moved to Florida, she was back in the room cancer need six cycles of chemotherapy. she was losing her hair again, but never lost his spirit or his faith. again, it rebounded surprisingly well, returning to his fitness routines.
physical Fitness helped
When Alexandra leaving school today, Michelle still leaves to the local gym, where she spends three hours every morning. She teaches fitness classes. She pilates. She lifts weights. It uses the Arc Trainer. She kickboxing. She runs. She swims. His immune system has never been stronger.

Many young foreigners compliment the tone and shape of her body. His heart rate and blood pressure are excellent. It's hard to believe there is still this cancer inside her.
"I really think my fitness routine helped. I am thin. I am strong. The workouts to take away the stress, worry," she said. "I think this is very important. The workouts give me a positive attitude, which I'm sure helps."
Faith is not the only body art. There is the butterfly tattoo on the back of his neck. And purple survivor ribbon and the word cancer on her right arm.
Uncertain future

She returned to the oncologist every six months for checkups and analysis, said that the future remains uncertain. There is also the issue of cognitive impairment, directly related to chemotherapy. His hair grew back ?? and she proudly wears long now ?? but his memory remains blurred. It was formerly an executive assistant in New York, but now she has trouble remembering how to do simple tasks.
"I used to have a great memory, but I do not remember things today. I can lose myself right out of my neighborhood, "she said. "It can be very frustrating. There are times, like my daughter reminded me that I do not remember what I said yesterday. "
It is, essentially, out of business, struggling to make ends meet for her and Alexandra, living off disability and what little remains of a legal settlement she received as compensation for exposure to asbestos in New York.
When the school year ends, they are considering a return to Texas, where Alexandra was born, where her best friend lived and where she wants to call home . The prospect of moving again is a little unnerving.
"This (mesothelioma) is something you can not not think. If it affected me twice, you have to say he could come back and get me again, "she said." But I tell my daughter all the time, you're lucky I'm here. I have faith that this is going to work for the best. "
Can you relate to the story of Michelle? Want to share your story with the mesothelioma community? Let us know in the comments below, on Facebook, or email outreach@asbestos.com.