About 3,000 people are diagnosed with mesothelioma each year. Of these, the majority are men. The reasoning for this is thought to be past exposure to asbestos in common occupations for men as soldiers, construction workers and machinists. Although mesothelioma rate is lower among women than men, some women are diagnosed with mesothelioma and other diseases related to asbestos.
Ginger is one of those women.
Meet Ginger
When Ginger was diagnosed with mesothelioma in February 2010, she was 40 years old. To make matters worse, her husband Jarrod was already fighting a benign brain tumor. Both Ginger and her husband could not work because of their medical conditions. The couple had to deal with heavy financial burden of medical costs.
After his diagnosis, Ginger has undergone several cycles of chemotherapy and surgery. Despite the disapproval of his doctor, Ginger made a mission trip to Nicaragua about a year after his diagnosis.
Although Nicaragua Ginger helped other members of their church are distributing meals to children. She spent a lot of time with children and loved every minute.
"Once you walked with cancer, you understand how fragile life is," she said. "[N] o is out of [this Earth] alive."
the firm is proud to help Ginger win the compensation that has relieved some of the financial burden cast upon her by her diagnosis of mesothelioma. It was because of the success of their mesothelioma lawsuit that Ginger and Jarrod were able to focus on more important things.
"once the financial burden your brain, it's easier to care about the things that matter," said Ginger, "[like] my treatments, get a better quality of life. "
Today, ginger volunteers for applied mesothelioma research Foundation and help lead a prayer group for mesothelioma victims, caregivers and their families.
learn more about our previous mesothelioma clients as Ginger in our section now Mesothelioma Stories.