Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Taking Yoga after a mesothelioma diagnosis

Taking Yoga after a mesothelioma diagnosis -

When starting a new yoga practice, many people have to deal with their doubts about their physical abilities. Many fear that they will not fit or flexible enough to finish the workout. Many others are afraid to look out of place in a class of more experienced participants.

mesothelioma patients may experience these fears on a more intense level. After all, these patients are often dealing with symptoms (such as pain and shortness of breath) that make it difficult exercise. Add to that a common preconception that yoga involves legs behind your head or balancing contortions reversed, and it is not surprising that patients are often intimidated by the perceived physical demands of yoga.

However, mesothelioma patients can gain both physical and mental benefits of yoga practice it is in their interest to move beyond these mental obstacles. And according to a new study encouraging BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, physical demands of yoga practice may not be as great as patients fear.

The study ?? a joint effort of the University of California, Los Angeles and University of Southern California ?? set to determine exactly what kind of physical demands of a hatha yoga program 32 weeks on the body of older adults.

Patients ?? 6 males and 14 females ?? attended two one-hour classes per week. The classes of the first half of the study focused introduction poses. In the second half of the study, participants progressed to a little more between poses. . However, all the positions were classified as mild, high-appropriate poses

included The most common:

  • President pose
  • Tree pose
  • Warrior II
  • Crescent pose

researchers found that most of the poses involved ankles, knees and hips. Side Stretch pose placed the highest demands on the hip extensors and flexors of the knee, while the one-legged balance poses additional work necessary inverters ankle. However, they found that muscle stimulation which took place during a yoga class was slightly higher than the amount of muscle stimulation, which took place during a casual walk slow.

How to tell if you are physically ready for yoga

The best way to assess your readiness for a yoga practice is to talk with your oncologist. Many mesothelioma treatment centers offer integrative medicine programs ?? or even rehabilitation programs ?? that give patients access to physiotherapists and exercise physiologists with years of expertise. These health professionals can perform simple tests of your lungs, limbs and balance to ensure that you are physically ready to start yoga.

The study authors identified four mini-tests they used to decide whether patients could safely participate in the program. Patients were included in the study if they were able to:

  • Transition from a standing position to a sitting position (on the floor)
  • lift their both arms to shoulder height. .
  • Comfortably standing for 30 seconds with their feet side side by side ;.
  • rest comfortably for 60 seconds with the feet hip width apart

If you can run each of the above tasks, you can be ready to conquer the most yoga poses soft. . Make sure you clear any exercise activity with your oncologist to confirm that your body is ready

To ensure that your practice meets each of your physical limitations mesothelioma, consider the following five tips:

  1. Look for classes that are specifically labeled as "gentle yoga", "yoga for seniors" or "yoga for cancer patients." in planning these classes teachers choose poses that require less physical effort, but provide mental and physical benefits.

  2. Find a yoga studio which encourages the use of support accessories such as blocks, blankets or yoga chairs. These elements can make difficult poses more accessible to participants with lower levels of fitness.

  3. Allow you to enter a resting pose (such as laying the child) if you feel your muscles shake, you get out of breath or experience other signs that you push your body too hard

  4. not to push through a pose because others are in your class. your practice is your own, and you will get the most out of it if you listen to your body and let it guide you through the physical aspects of the class.

  5. Remember that your yoga practice becomes stronger, as well as your physical abilities. Be patient and gentle to the get-go; the rewards will come soon. At the end of the study, the researchers concluded that a major program of yoga may be effective to gradually improve strength, muscular endurance and some types of physical function (as the balance).

If you take yoga after your diagnosis of mesothelioma, you were worried about whether or not you would be hard enough for the classes? Have you found that they were less physically demanding than you originally thought? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook.

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