Yvonne O. lost her husband, Pete, back in August to mesothelioma. We would like to thank for reaching out to us via our Facebook to share experiences and to all those affected by mesothelioma continue to reach out to the community. We retain her surname privacy. If you are interested in more information on mesothelioma and support feel please free to reach out to one of our patient advocates or you can find the mesothelioma center on Twitter.
What were the events that led to Pete, OSA diagnosis?
Pete had difficulty breathing in July 07 and went to the hospital for a decortication, removal of the lining of the plural. He was told he was fine after six weeks, and then discharged. The histological results of samples taken in the operation and crossed gave a positive diagnosis of mesothelioma.
When he was diagnosed?
17 e October 07
What were your biggest questions after Pete was diagnosed?
Is it curable? Is there a treatment? How long Pete left to live? He was given 6 months to 2 years.
Was Pete mesothelioma caused by asbestos AOS? If so, can you remember him coming in contact with asbestos?
Yes, it was caused by asbestos. Possible from either an asbestos roof, when stacking chests of tea or brake pads, when you do maintenance of cars.
Where did you turn for information?
The internet was great for information, do not know how we would have had as much without it. We did not use Facebook for information, only to find people in the same situation. We made friends with a couple who were also affected.
What was your reaction to hearing the diagnosis Pete, AOS was cancer?
Why Pete? He did nothing to harm someone did. It is obvious that only the good early death. We had only been together for six years, starting our life together. We should have had 30 years together, we are 10.
How was the adjustment of the role of a caregiver?
Easy, I loved my husband and I would do anything for him.
What are the challenges in caring for a mesothelioma patient?
He had difficulty speaking, and became very frustrated. It was difficult because it wouldn, AOT talk to those who have visited and asked how he was doing. He had very dark moments and was angry with me, he didn, AOT means it.
Where did you turn for giving care resources?

Just managed by myself and by the end of Macmillan nurses were great.
What was your reaction to family, AOS?
Devastation. What will I do without Pete? We were so good together. We loved each other so much. Our life together is just beginning.
What treatment options Pete was offered and what did you two choose to do so?
Chemo and Radio therapy.
did you travel in a specialized center?
Not used local hospitals. Don, AOT think that there are in the UK.
What kind of support groups have you helped?
We did not know at all.
What message would you send to the mesothelioma community? (Newly diagnosed or survivors?)
Keep positive, get medical assistance and fight all the way. Go to www.livingwithmesothelioma.co.uk to buy the book, proceeds go to charity, to fight against this terrible disease and find a cure. It will give you insight on Pete, AOS battle and the treatment he had; it has 4 years, when given 6 months.