When I was diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma in 2010, I knew a difficult battle waiting. I had to prepare for this ?? and I am ready.
I was 34 at the time and did not have blood pressure problems, diabetes or high cholesterol. But I have this cancer to treat. I was fighting for my life, and with two young son, I knew that I win in the end.
Although my cancer is now in remission, I fight against the scary thoughts of mortality and recurrence daily. Just when I thought I had conquered the beast of negativity, I found myself against another enemy :. Insurance
The fight starts
Since my diagnosis it four years ago, the insurance covered me from my husband. Although I still incurred medical expenses, I never had problems to see specialists to maintain my remission status. That all changed when its policy changed to another provider.
The problems started before I flew for the treatment of Cancer Centers of America in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I make this trip every 0 days for my doctor monitoring visits, CT and PET. My flight was booked, weekend bag was packed, my two bakeries were with my parents and took care of my children.
Four days before departure, I received a disturbing letter from the new insurance company. The first paragraph introduced us to the company, but the second paragraph shook me to the core.
He explained that I had to change doctors immediately. My current doctors were out of network and not covered by the rate of out-of-network benefits. Basically, if my current treatment oncologists continued, I would pay 100 percent of my therapy out-of-pocket.
I met my deductible at the end of each January because of my treatment and expensive tests. If I sold my house and took my kids to private school, I still could not afford to pay the entire cost of all my medical expenses. Besides the rich and famous in Hollywood, I do not know anyone who pays from his pocket for all of their medical care.
The fight against the insurance provider
My immediate thought after reading the letter from the insurance provider ?? Absolutely not ??
There was no way that I'll change doctors. I was stick to mesothelioma since 2010. After two procedures and CHIP too chemotherapy concoctions as I was told in 2012 that there was nothing more that could be done for me.
seek clinical trials and said I was living my life fully. Giving up was not an option.
The representative of the new insurance company informed me that I could either cancel my appointment or pay for myself. I told him the many doctors and physicians to my cancer center were the reason I'm still alive. I did not want to jeopardize that.
She said I could complete an application for a care transition (transition from one treatment center to another) or a health care provides. This form goes to ?? powers ?? and determine if I could continue my care with current physicians.
My flight to Tulsa was in four days, and was told that it normally takes 10 working days for a response from the insurance provider. At the time, I did not know how I would pay for all my tests. Frankly, I do care about. My comfort was all I could think of.
I kept my appointment in Tulsa.
Finding a solution is not an option
After returning from treatment, my insurance agent called to say that I would still permit a visit to my current treatment center, but I had to find another for future therapies.
Again, this was not an option for me, and would not return. down
I explained the rarity and complexity of mesothelioma. I offered statistics and reasons why I could not leave my future in the hands of an oncologist who has never treated mesothelioma, peritoneal mesothelioma much less.
I sent a detailed letter and copies of my medical history. I also contacted the employer of my husband and explained why it was so important that I keep my current doctors.
Temporary relief
Fortunately, the second time, I spoke to a benevolent agent who understood my situation to keep my doctors. It was my personal scribe and took extensive notes. After two weeks of deliberation, I received another letter from the insurance provider decision.
The insurance company approved covering me with the same doctor until the end of the year.
So what happens in 2015? You guessed ?? another fight.