Monday, April 10, 2017

Men with mesothelioma: Counseling is not a sign of weakness

Men with mesothelioma: Counseling is not a sign of weakness -

Many people think counseling is only for those who have mental health issues or just for women. Nothing could be further from the truth

The truth is almost everyone can benefit from a meeting with a counselor reputable -. Including men. When mesothelioma rolls into our lives like a rock threatening to crush us, the council can provide a much needed respite.

We all face challenges in life, and speaking with a counselor for help along the way is invaluable. But sometimes men need an extra push in that direction.

"Men in general are more likely to try to work things out on their own as they consider help as a sign of weakness," said Monte Drenner, a consultant licensed mental health in Orlando. "I know that for years I thought that way, but now I see getting help as a sign of wisdom rather than weakness."

I interviewed Drenner learn more about why some men are so opposed to the consultation. We also discussed how caregivers and loved ones can help a man in their lives get the emotional support they need

Interview with Drenner About counseling for men

Question :. Is it true that men are less likely to ask for advice?

A: This is very true. I think there are several reasons men are less likely to get advice, and being a guy, I can understand where they come from. For many men, "help" is a four letter word. Men usually get the help as a last resort, while women generally seek help much earlier

Q:.? Which means mesothelioma patients can receive advice

A: a great advantage for the board is that it helps individuals deal with their emotions on the diagnosis of cancer in a healthy way . Strong emotions such as anger, have a huge negative effect on the immune system of the individual, which makes the work more difficult body to fight against cancer.

The therapy can also help the person with cancer see their lives in a different way. I saw him several times how fighting against cancer had a positive life changing effect on the individual by giving them a new perspective on life

Q :. Would you encourage men who face a mesothelioma diagnosis seek advice

? A: I recommend everyone with any type of cancer to look not only advice but also help through a support group. The mental and emotional help more of the individual manage to cope with their cancer, the more likely they are to meet the challenges of cancer present in a healthy way

Q :. What topics would you cover when counseling a man with mesothelioma

? A: Of course, it depends on the person, but there are some general approaches that I take. First, I get them to talk to other challenges they have overcome in their past to give them hope that they can cope with their current challenge and succeeding. Once we discover that we simply apply to the current situation.

I will also bring them identify their feelings about their diagnosis, not just what they think. Men in particular need to understand that the fight against cancer is not only a physical and cerebral process. Emotions play a major role in the fight against cancer as well. Men generally understand this concept regarding sports but have difficulty applying these principles to a fight against cancer

Q :. Is it a good idea for women (wives, daughters, sisters and friends) to try to convince a man in their lives to seek advice after a diagnosis of mesothelioma?

A: I'd say it's a great idea. How they go about convincing, however, is very important. Nagging and manipulation will only backfire and make a stronger man. Some men can be very stubborn and resist help even at the insistence of his relatives.

The approach I recommend is to have another significant offer human advice. If he refuses, it happens regularly, I encourage significant others to make appointments for themselves to get the process started. Once a man sees the benefits offer counseling to their families, they are much more likely to get involved in the process

Q :. If a man with mesothelioma seek advice would you meet his wife too?

A: Yes. I think it is very important for family members to get their own therapy as well. caregiver roles, supporter and cheerleader can be emotionally draining. Caregivers are known for caring for others and neglect. These family members need help to manage all of their roles and emotions and also learn good habits of self-care

Q:.? How can mesothelioma patients track a trusted advisor

has: it is easy to find a counselor, but it can be difficult to track down the one that will be useful to you. The best approach is to get a recommendation from your doctor or anyone you know.

If these options are not available, try the site today psychology. From there, type in your zip code, and the site will display the therapists in your area. Read profiles of therapists listed, and see that the region has experience with clients with cancer. Most therapists have a profile on this site, so there are usually several to choose from.

I know from personal experience that the board can really make a difference if you are facing a diagnosis of mesothelioma or you are a caregiver for someone with mesothelioma. Maybe today is the day to take the first step to getting help.

Monte Drenner has over 24 years of consulting experience in helping families, couples and individuals. His counseling practice is based in Orlando, but it also offers advice by phone or Skype

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