Residents living near Swift Creek, an area in Whatcom County, Washington, continue to seek answers of local governments federal and about long long-term containment and cleanup efforts of asbestos Swift Creek site. Gov. Chris Gregoire wants to provide $ 1 million to help the short-term objective of restructuring of the dikes, which has yet to receive approval from the state legislature, and help prevent future flooding, but told residents money for long-term efforts is simply not there.
A massive landslide Sumas Mountain took place several decades ago near sources of Swift Creek and was releasing excess sediment in the creek every year. This material contains asbestos slip naturally. In the early years (after the first slide took place) in efforts to prevent flooding, the county would dredge the creek and remove sediment asbestos charge. This sediment was used to strengthen the banks of the creek and offered to meet for local residents. In 05, it was determined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that the asbestos levels in sediments were a health risk. Dredging has ceased, and the sediment was not to be used by the community.
This is an important first step in protecting the community, not only the old sediments still lining the banks of the stream new sediments of the landslide is not dredged, causing flooding farmland near: flood waters that contain and allow asbestos fibers in the fields. The Washington Department of Health issued a notice in September 08 stating, "asbestos is in the water and sediment of the riverbed and can take off when people disturb the soil by walking, cycling or on horseback on the banks of the creek dredging or batteries. "what is not indicated in the notice are potentially hazardous farmers will face when they plow and cultivate a field that was flooded with contaminated water by asbestos.
exposure to asbestos occurs when asbestos fibers become airborne and are inhaled into the lungs. These fibers can cause lung damage and have been associated with many serious diseases and terminals such as asbestosis and mesothelioma. mesothelioma is a rare cancer caused by asbestos and asbestosis is scarring of the lung tissue, which reduces lung capacity. Although the cancer rates in the region Swift Creek appear to be compatible with other parts of Washington, the long latency period of asbestos-related diseases can cause this number to change at any time.
Although the EPA has determined that asbestos levels in this area are high and dangerous, they did not find long-term solutions affordable. Cost of the complete repair of the area could reach $ 100 million. Some efforts have been made, and piles of sediment capped to prevent further disturbances. If approved, $ 1 million of the state will be used to try to prevent another year of flooding. County leaders are hopeful that the Army Corp of Engineers will participate in the project, while the EPA continues to work with state and federal agencies to develop a long-term safe solution for both flood control and management of dredged sediments.