Peritoneal mesothelioma diagnosis at the age of 34 was the most incredible and devastating news I would have ever received. All statistics were against me. The Internet led me to believe that I had about a year to live. After two procedures CHIP, and several chemotherapy treatments, I always fight for life. Throughout this cloud hanging three years of my life, I found hope.
Start a Party Pity
On 1 July 2010, I was diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma, and after receiving the news I did what most people: I sobbed . My children were 1 and 6 at the time. Who is going to raise my children? I thought.
When you receive a tragic outcome, the first thing you need to do is throw yourself the best part of 24 hours you can pity. Give yourself permission to cry, scream, cry, sleep, pork on fattening foods, go into isolation - what you want -. But only for 24 hours
When your party if more, your new life begins. Once you receive a terminal diagnosis, you're not the same person you were before. The "new you" have to put on the gloves and be prepared to fight.
Focusing on survival
After my sob party, I decided that I should be as informed as possible about my condition . Like most, I turned to the World Wide Web. it was not a good idea. Although I learned a little more about my condition, I also read all the horrible prognosis reports.
I share the Internet data with my husband, and he said, "Kasie, these are just statistics. These statistics are based on other people, not . Besides, you have already exceeded that of outcome data. You have been misdiagnosed for the last year and a half, and you're still here! "
After this realization, I decided to stop reading the dark survival and focus on my survival.
Arm yourself with the right tools
Before to start fighting, you first need to arm yourself with the right tools. Get your mind right. it is extremely difficult to develop a positive attitude when perhaps face death, but it is possible. I decided that although statistics were horrible, I'll be the exception.
therefor hundreds of years, there was neither treatment nor hope for people with smallpox, chickenpox , measles, polio, etc. Somewhere along the line, there was an exception. because of this exception, there are now vaccines. You are the exception.
believe you are the exception can be the difference between life and death. you must believe that you are the exception and really believe. You will be surrounded by people who do not have your faith. You he except.
Surround yourself with support
Once you believe you are the exception, it is imperative that you surround yourself with believers. This means that you may lose friends, family members, etc. The first response you get from others will pity. "I'm sorry to hear that"
In my view, people who feel sorry repeatedly because you are not optimistic you find hope. "Sorry" is the opposite of hope!
in addition to friends and family members, you also need to find a doctor who is optimistic. the first oncologist I saw was a waiting area that was dimly lit with halogen lamps and "Amazing Grace" played by bagpipes. It was not a doctor with great optimism.
If a doctor tells you how long you left, get another doctor. No one but God himself knows the time and the time of departure. When you meet with your doctor, greet him with a good attitude and let them know that you are the exception.
You have the power over your life. be bold, and let your guards know that pessimism will not be tolerated.
Emphasize Optimism
At Cancer Treatment Centers of America, the first doctor I met told me, "There is no cure your condition. You know that, right? "
At this point, I fought for two years, and I am well aware of my condition. His comment to me exasperated. I live with mesothelioma every day of my life, and the last thing I needed at that moment of despair was a doctor without optimism
I shared his comment with my nurse, and his answer was:.. "The doctor just as you would know that your condition was serious Many patients are not as informed as you are and do not know what they are against. Although there is no cure, it is treatable. There is no cure for diabetes or cold, but they are treatable ".
There was optimism that I sought.
Along the way, I also found great doctors who were willing to help me. They all had a can-do attitude. When I asked my prognosis, they simply said, "I am your doctor, not God." That's the kind of response you want to hear.
One doctor told me that there are people who have been living with mesothelioma for years - over 20 years, to be exact. These are the kind of stories you want your doctor to share. If your lawyer oncologist or the patient gives you brochures about hospice, run for the hills.
A good book
That being said, immerse yourself in a good literature. My literature was very diverse. I read the Bible, gossip magazines and lots of Joel Osteen. Many people think that Joel Osteen is too positive and not realistic. My friend, you need a lot of Joel Osteen. You need someone who is too optimistic and positive.
I meditated to music every day. My music collection ranged from Yolanda Adams to Beyonce. I stayed away from some support groups. I was in a place very strong mentally, and I find that some groups were filled with patients and family members who have accepted the fact that they are not exceptions.
My faith taught me that I put here to live and not die. I repeated assertions me day, hour, sometimes every minute until I believed.
- I shall live and not die
- No weapon or cancer, will succeed
- I am the exception.
cancer is simply a disease, not who you are. Your body is damaged, but there is nothing wrong with your mind. Remember, you are bigger than cancer.
You are the exception!