In 100 Questions and answers about mesothelioma, the best way to prevent mesothelioma is to reduce exposure to asbestos in the workplace, the house, and the Environment. Regulate the security measures necessary to deal with the asbestos exposure is the responsibility of government.
It is my opinion that the only way to prevent contamination by asbestos is to completely ban the use of all toxic asbestos fibers and stop the influx of asbestos products enter the United States.
If I had a magic wand, I would do today. Unfortunately, I read that asbestos is still used in the industries of Defense and aerospace. More and more of our daily products are imported from other countries that do not prohibit the use of asbestos, which knows exactly what is contained in our products. Remember the recall of the CSI Fingerprint Examination Kit?
After scouring through 40 years of congressional legislation, I learned that there had been many attempts to regulate the use of asbestos. I commend Senator Patty Murray of Washington state and admire its capacity to 742 S. B. arrives. The bill is another step in the right direction, but I will not be satisfied until all asbestos fibers are prohibited for use.
There is hard work to get the asbestos products off the shelves and even one for public education. With all the home remodeling and do-it-yourself shows on television, more and more families are remodeling their homes. Scrape the popcorn ceilings appears to be widespread in most remodels home, most likely because it is a chore to clean. I did not know that the textured ceilings contained asbestos, and I used to draw all the time limit. Of course, then I had to vacuum because of all the dust that I created.
After moving to California, I heard an advertisement on the dangers of secondhand smoke coming through the ventilation system in the apartments, comparing to the toxic poisoning of asbestos. I wonder how many apartments, townhouses and homes still contain asbestos. And how many of them are operated down sufficiently to allow asbestos fibers to move through the ventilation system?
Yes, it will be a long and difficult process to eliminate asbestos from our lives. We must continue to fight the battle. Contact your legislators. Tell them to ban asbestos to prevent mesothelioma!