Saturday, March 11, 2017

A Dream Come True: Memories of a country music festival still hot My Heart

A Dream Come True: Memories of a country music festival still hot My Heart -

Ask someone if something they would like to do before you die and, inevitably, they will come with at least one thing they have always wanted to experience but never had time to do so.

Some people have a "bucket list" of desires, and the extreme could be as exotic as traveling abroad or as simple as learning to cook Chinese food.

time and money are not always guilty of our procrastination when it comes to actively pursue the experiences we aspire. Most often, it is because we do not want out of our comfort zone.

Although most of us get bored doing the same things day by day, we find solace in our routines known, and it can be a daunting prospect to put us in a position where we feel uncomfortable and vulnerable.

Unfortunately, this often results do open up so many joys of life.

Taking a new challenge takes a certain amount of energy, and it can also take great courage to get out of our comfort zone and try something different. Something that challenges our brain and our body and teaches us something new.

It could be as simple as doing a course at the local college, join a craft group, take a Chinese cooking class, learning yoga or take that holiday a place you wanted to go.

Unfortunately, many people do not think about their bucket list until they are facing the end of their life and it becomes clear that there is little time to do all things they would like to do.

even when a loved one is facing the end of their lives, and we are made painfully aware that there is little time to do the things you've always wanted to do together.

When Brian was diagnosed with mesothelioma and given three to nine months to live, I am determined that one of the things we wanted to do together would become reality.

a Country Boy at Heart

Brian was a country boy at heart. He loved the good life in the far north of Australia and the fishing opportunities and crab that came with it. He also liked to have a few beers with his mates and listening to country and western music.

Country and Western music was always being played in our house, and our children have grown up with the known strains of Kenny Rogers, Dolly Parton, Slim Dusty and a host of other country singers playing on our channel stereo. Although I had no favorite singer, favorite of all time Brian was Slim Dusty.

Over the years, Brian had often mentioned that he would like for us to take a trip to Tamworth during one of their music festivals. I agreed that it would be a wonderful thing for us to do, but for one reason or another, we're there to do.

Make Our wish Come True

The city of Tamworth, located halfway between Brisbane and Sydney on the east coast of Australia, is known as the "capital of music country of Australia "and is known for the country music Festival, it hosts each year. Held over two weeks in late January, it is the second largest country music festival in the world.

Fortunately for us, the Tamworth Country Music Festival was to begin shortly after Brian was diagnosed, and as he was well enough to travel, we decided that we would make the trip.

I immediately started making travel plans for travel and accommodation, but soon learned that it will not be as easy as I had anticipated. Unbeknownst to us, people had booked their accommodation in Tamworth a year in advance of the holiday, and all the hotels, motels and caravan parks have already booked out.

We believed that it is not possible for us to go until a travel agent gave us the details of a lady who took private residents during festival time of contact.

when we contacted her and had obtained our homes, things started to come together. Excited about our trip, I started searching on the Internet information about the festival and well known singers would perform.

I could not believe my eyes when I read that Slim Dusty put a concert, and decided to book two tickets in advance without telling Brian. Knowing how much he loved Slim Dusty, I wanted it to be a surprise.

Tamworth was amazing. Everywhere we turned, there was a band playing or a singer strumming a guitar, and the whole mood of the place was one of excitement. There was so much to do and so many wonderful artists to listen. We walked in and the streets of our cowboy hats, taking everything and enjoy this special time together.

And then it came time for the surprise of Brian. I had held off telling him about Slim Dusty until the day of the concert, and I was dying that I waited to see his response.

The Brian joy to meet Slim Dusty in person and hear him sing all the songs he knew so well, was everything I had hoped it would be. I watched Brian's face as I watched Slim Dusty run, and I could not get enough of her smile. We went to Slim Dusty after the concert and shook his hand. I think it was one of the most exciting moments of the life of Brian.

Memories of our time in Tamworth still warm my heart, and I am so happy that we managed to fulfill at least one of our dreams before Brian passed away.

Living for the Moment

disease and death of Brian forever changed the way I look at life. I found out the hard way how quickly the gift of life can be taken from us, and now, to the best of my ability, I do things that I have on my heart as soon as I can, rather than to put aside for a rainy day.

Rainy days do not always come.

Life is so precious and full of opportunities to love, to learn and grow, and I am determined to seize everything that life offers me with both hands.

What is on your bucket list? What prevents you from doing so? Share your thoughts on Facebook.

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