mesothelioma lawyers at the firm are committed to keeping you updated on the latest asbestos and mesothelioma titles. Browse recent headlines highlighting the dangers of asbestos exposure and new information relating to research mesothelioma of the whole nation and the world.
- disease awareness asbestos Organization Outraged by Gaps Improvement Act Chemical Safety 2013
awareness of asbestos disease organization (ADAO), a nonprofit organization dedicated to the elimination of asbestos diseases, announced that they do not support the Act on improving chemical safety in 2013, unless clarifications and changes are adopted for improvements to protect the public from asbestos.
- Charity Navigator Award for Mesothelioma Research Foundation applied 4-Star Rating
The Meso Foundation recently received a 4 star rating for good governance, good management and commitment to accountability and fiscal transparency.
- Penn Student survey on the risks of exposure to asbestos in the former factory Town
University of Pennsylvania student Shabnam Elahi spent the two summers mapping the risk of environmental exposure to asbestos in Ambler, Pennsylvania. Through decades old records and interviews with residents, Elahi hopes to better understand the health risks in the small town
- Bugs and Asbestos. Odyssey A resident of San Francisco Public Housing
After months of federal investigations, the Authority housing San Francisco faces scrutiny for its inability to cope with routine maintenance which resulted serious problems, including exposure to potential asbestos, for its more than 31,000 residents.
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