We are happy when people express that they belong in our community. So many mesothelioma patients are not sure where to turn for support and information.
We are pleased to have ran into Megan H. on our Facebook page. After reaching toward her, she shared some of her experiences with a unique form of mesothelioma. All of us would like to thank her for the connection with us and the community. His last name is withheld on privacy.
What were the events that led to your diagnosis?
This is a (fast) synopsis of what I am fighting for the last 7 years. Back in 05, I started developing pain in my abdomen. In June, it was decided that I have laparoscopic surgery to check my appendix and whether I had endometriosis. I went to outpatient surgery 9th July. While I was in recovery, the doctor came and said they found nothing, but they have removed three tumors of the abdominal wall.
She assured my father that these tumors were not a big deal, but be biopsied just to be on the safe side. I went to my appointment on July 30 and got my stitches. My gynecologist said that everything was fine until healing and I did wonderful during surgery. As I prepared to leave the room, his assistant pointed out that my tumors were sent to Johns Hopkins to be watched. She then proceeded to tell me that they were very rare in the research, and she and four other surgeons at the hospital had never seen anything of this rarity before.
She assured me that it was not a big deal, I would be well and do some research and call me the next day. I went into panic mode. I expected nothing out of this appointment, except my points! The next day my doctor called me and told me she referring to an oncologist with the University of Louisville Hospital.
On August 9, my parents attended the meeting "precautionary" with me. Dr. Scoggins came, and suddenly started talking to freeze my eggs, what they would do to remove the cancer and so on. It was a huge ball curve thrown my way. It was then that he realized that my parents and I did not know it was even cancer to start. He took a few steps back and said that I had been diagnosed with well-differentiated papillary mesothelioma of the peritoneum (WDPMP), a form of mesothelioma that are not caused by asbestos.

Tell us how you felt while waiting for your diagnosis.
I did not know that tumors removed during my speech in July were still cancer, so I did not know I was diagnosed the day I went to the doctor on 9 August. I've always been a very positive person, and was not too worried about anything. I have a strong faith in the Lord, and I put all my cares and worries at his feet. I think if I would have had an inkling that it was cancer of my anxiety level was much higher. But since I said I had nothing to fear, that what I was doing. Do not worry.
Do you have any words of advice for other patients on a diagnosis of mesothelioma?
The only words of advice I have for anyone fight against any kind of cancer is to keep hope, stay strong and positive and express your feelings. Do not be afraid to ask questions, and call your doctor for medical assistant every day if you must. You must learn to laugh, and keep your humor.
You will perhaps through a rough spot now, but life can always be worse. There is always someone out there that are 100 times worse than the way you think you do. I see every day in the funeral business. I truly believe that my job also helped me manage my diagnosis more than say an accountant would. My faith in God has become stronger, and blessed me, and carried me all the way through this speed bump.
I was lucky though, and my doctor found fewer tumors than other patients incur. My age and my other good health also contributed. The first thing I would say advice would be to rely on God. It can and will carry you through the life of anything throws at you.
The next week we will see in Part 2. If you want to ask a question Megan feel please free to connect with us on Twitter, Facebook or email.