Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Be proactive with your health to detect early mesothelioma

Be proactive with your health to detect early mesothelioma -

All my life, my father worked at the same paper mill. He was a working man, and my family had a good life because of it.

He paid the bills and provided a nice home for we live. We went to good schools, and we had nice things. If I wanted a Cabbage Patch Kids doll for Christmas, Santa Claus brought. We weren ?? t rich, but we were the image of the American middle class.

My father ?? employment helped provide for us, but he was also exposed to asbestos caused mesothelioma that took his life. And aren paper mill workers ?? t the only workers at risk.

The people employed in construction, carpentry, plumbing trades, maritime industries and many other types of labor skilled face a high risk of diseases related to asbestos as well.

the government regulations on asbestos from the 1970s contributed to the exposure limits in the workplace, but the toxic mineral is not banned in the United States and continues to be used in many industries.

A recent study says workers in various construction trades continue to be at risk of mesothelioma and other diseases related to asbestos.

a study found excess risk of mesothelioma

The American Journal of Industrial Medicine published a study in October 2014 which followed the health of more than 18,000 construction and craft workers employed the US Department of energy nuclear sites from 1998 to 2011.

researchers observed a significantly higher risk for conditions related to asbestos in this group, including mesothelioma, lung cancer, asbestosis and cancer of the bronchi and trachea.

The study followed carpenters, electricians, pipe workers, construction workers and factory workers. Throughout the study, a total of 2,801 workers died of occupational diseases, including mesothelioma.

The researchers concluded the excess risk for mesothelioma, lung cancer and asbestosis in this group reflects recent high exposures to asbestos.

[1945003Fears] addressing of developing cancer

My father was very close with most of the men he worked with. It wasn ?? t only their colleague and supervisor. Two of his brothers worked there, and others were friends for life.

It was difficult for them to look at my illness ?? s father overtake. It was even more difficult for them to live the life that they might worry about developing mesothelioma as well.

Fortunately, everyone is not exposed to asbestos will develop mesothelioma.

Most people do not want to talk about their fear of developing cancer. But for those who have worked in industries related to exposure to asbestos, it is a necessary conversation to have. We should ?? t ignore the elephant in the room ?? we should address.

worry about being exposed without acting doesn ?? Does no good to anyone. If you think you have been exposed to asbestos and your concerns are valid, you should talk to your doctor.

My sister and I talked more than once about our possible side exposure arising from our work ?? s dad clothing. We care about each other, and are concerned mom.

In the initial appointment with a new doctor, I bring you always how I have been exposed to asbestos. I n ?? t no symptoms whatsoever, but I want to be proactive. It relieves my mind to talk with my doctor so he can keep a watchful eye, as I do.

The early detection of mesothelioma

Most mesothelioma types are found after a person visits a doctor because of symptoms such as chest pain and shortness of breath. Unfortunately, mesothelioma symptoms usually occur in the later stages of cancer development, when treatment options are limited.

No research shows early detection ensures better outcomes for people with mesothelioma, but if you have been exposed to asbestos, you should take steps to protect your health

If you have been exposed to asbestos: ..

  • Meet your doctor for regular checkups
  • Discuss your exposure to asbestos to your doctor each year, and whether other tests for asbestos-related diseases are needed.
  • familiar with the symptoms of mesothelioma.
  • Make an appointment with your doctor if you notice any new symptoms.
  • Talk with a counselor if the fear of developing mesothelioma gives you anxiety that interferes with daily life.

There is also a good idea to focus on your overall health if you have been exposed to asbestos. There are many benefits to a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables. If you are a smoker, quitting smoking can improve the health of your lungs and reduce your risk of developing lung cancer linked to asbestos.

Free screening for the Department of Energy Workers building

In 1996, Congress created a medical monitoring program to help people who might have been exposed to substances dangerous to US Department of energy (DOE) and the Atomic energy Commission (AEC) sites where nuclear weapons have been studied or products.

funded by the federal government program called the National Health Screening Program of the building trades, provided that the data from the 2014 study that found high rates of diseases related to asbestos former construction workers at these sites.

people who worked in the production of nuclear weapons to more than 20 eligible sites can join the free benefits program, including:

  • A complete history of interview work
  • medical screening
  • early detection of the disease and follow -up medical care
  • Assistance with compensation

If you think you have been exposed to health risks while performing construction work for ACS or DOE, you can call 1-800 -866-9663 to apply for the program. If you meet the work history requirements, the program can help you in planning your doctor think of medical tests may be necessary.

Some tests are painless and minimally invasive, and can reveal important information about your health. Tests the program provides to detect asbestos exposure signs include chest x-ray that looks for scarring of the lung and pleural plaques and spirometry, which tests the function of your lungs.


it is important to make regarding your health initiatives. When mesothelioma is detected early, people are more likely to qualify for aggressive surgery, some studies have linked to improved survival.

My father loved the old proverb, ?? The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.??

Melanie Ball lives in Kentucky. His father, Richard Lloyd Barker, died of mesothelioma in 1993. She is pursuing a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Phoenix.

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