Although safety and health at work US Administration began regulating products containing asbestos in 1973, the use of asbestos continued for decades in many industrial and consumer products sold in the United States.
The prized asbestos automotive industry for its low cost and excellent friction capacity and wear. Despite studies showing the dangers of asbestos dates back to the early 20 e century, a number of manufacturers and automotive suppliers used the toxic mineral for transmission parts, clutch linings, brakes, gaskets and other components in the 21 st century.
Nearly 100 years of asbestos use have resulted in a worker avalanche of automotive and mechanical death. However, the auto industry argued that asbestos in brakes does not cause cancer and exposure levels are safe. The US Agency for Environmental Protection, NIOSH, OSHA and the World Health Organization disagreed: brakes cause cancer and there is no safe level of exposure
thousands of victims have filed lawsuits against Ford and other manufacturers due to asbestos exposure. used in clutches and brakes. Ford Brake linings contained up to 60% of the dangerous toxin. Tired of wasting testing and compensate patients and their families mechanics, Ford and others in the automotive industry spent more than $ 40 million journal articles and expert studies that cast doubt on the link between brakes with asbestos and mesothelioma in auto mechanics.
[1945001énormecorps] Ford junk literature seeks to pollute the scientific debate through its volume. Hundreds of doctors and scientists around the world have confirmed the scientific consensus EPA, NIOSH, OSHA and WHO indicate that the brakes cause cancer, but they lack the financial muscle of the industry to match the deluge scientific articles generated $ 40 million machine Ford junk science.The most unfortunate part of this tragic story is that Ford has continued to use the brakes with asbestos-lined 20 years after the internal memos expressed concern for the safety of mechanics. The company also maintained a "meso list" of internal employees who developed this cancer linked to asbestos. The company briefly explored using replacement brake materials, such as metal or carbon, but ultimately decided that the cost was too harsh. Decades after deciding to save money by using this mineral cheap but deadly, the company is willing to spend $ 40 million to protect its bottom line.
mesothelioma lawyers Simmons Hanly Conroy are willing to put the company resources against those of industry. If you believe you have been exposed to asbestos at work as a car mechanic, we encourage you to contact your doctor immediately to discuss symptoms of the disease linked to asbestos. If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, please contact a mesothelioma lawyer. Click here to request your free legal consultation.
Today, the auto workers in service stations, repair shops, garages and car dealers should be aware of the dangers of asbestos and mesothelioma risk. Although the use of asbestos in automotive parts decreased vehicle components can still contain asbestos. As a result, auto mechanics and their families are in considerable danger of exposure to asbestos when they perform work on the brakes, clutches and gaskets. For more information on asbestos exposure in the automotive industry today and for a long list of products containing asbestos automobile, click here.