Friday, December 9, 2016

Red Tart Cherries wonders for a mesothelioma patient

Red Tart Cherries wonders for a mesothelioma patient -

N. Wayne knows exactly what caused mesothelioma cancer that pushed him into retirement earlier than planned as a union electrician in Cincinnati, Ohio.

he knows what has stopped the killing.

asbestos was the culprit. Cherries were the cure.

Yes, cherries, tart red cherries that are grown in Michigan, whom he always has in his freezer at home, and those he ate every night of his life for the last 20 years.

"there is something magical in these cherries," he said matter-of-factly. "I do not know what science is, but I am a true believer. I am proof that they work. I do not know exactly how or why, but they do. I know they can stop cancer and many other things too. "His name is withheld on privacy.

20 years Mesothelioma Survivor

Wayne, 83, is convinced that cherries have kept him healthy, stop the cancer from spreading as it usually does, it has allowed to age and surviving to 99 percent of other mesothelioma patients.

he was diagnosed in 1991. The terrible news was confirmed by three doctors, two of them cancer specialists who gave him the typical get-started-LET'S treatment advice quickly obtenir- your life in order ,.

It was the last time he saw these specialists.

"I usually stays away from doctors. Just do not like," he said. "They will not tell you about cherries because there is no money in it for them or for pharmaceutical companies. I have seen too many other people listening to the doctors who give them treatments that simply do not work. the cherries are working. "

Wayne started eating cherries while helping her fight lung cancer of women in a more traditional manner. She was a longtime smoker who died at 60 years to take her to the hospital for chemotherapy sessions and radiation treatment one day and see no positive results.

"With all these treatments, it never improved a bit," he said. "The problem is that many of these prescription drugs do not work. Maybe that chemotherapy works for breast cancer, but it did not help my wife at all. I just stay away doctors now . "

the fight against natural disease

Wayne believes the best way to fight against the disease is the natural way by strengthening the immune system through nutrition and the food and exercise. He takes vitamins. He eats a lot of fruits, vegetables and nuts. He works in his yard every day. And derives exactly nine tart red cherries on her freezer to eat every night.

He used to eat more, but he began to have nosebleeds how they thinned his blood so. Shortness of breath, which was one of the symptoms that led to his initial visit to doctor two decades ago, has not been a problem for years.

Red Tart Cherry

Wayne Cherry, like many fruits and vegetables, have been known as a tasty, healthy snack for a long time. More recent studies have shown how they are rich in antioxidants such as melatonin, which has been proven to help sleep patterns.

Melatonin has also been linked to reduced inflammation and fight against free radicals in the body that are related to cancer risk. There are also studies that show melatonin can help delay the aging process. There are many older people who believe that increased melatonin can help relieve arthritis and gout.

"He was always anecdotal, but it has been reported so often by so many different people, you have to think that there may be something to it," said Dr. Russell Reiter, Professor of neuroendocrinology at the University of Texas Health science Center, who has published several articles on melatonin. "The combination of antioxidants in cherries can be very beneficial."

Spread the word about cherries

Despite skepticism on his belief that tart cherries have prevented mesothelioma to kill him, Wayne is eager to spread the word. He said he helped his sister fight cancer shortly after his wife had died. He said his cherries were the key to the victory of a good friend on colon cancer. They relieved the symptoms of gout had another friend. He said even his cherries were responsible for helping the woman who had been cutting his hair. "

" She and her husband had spent many years and thousands of dollars to go to all sorts of fertility clinics, trying everything to have a baby, "he said." Nothing worked, and she was so disappointed. So I gave him a bag cherries. And in a few months, she was pregnant and so grateful. "

Exposure to asbestos Wayne came during a 35-year career as an electrician, largely involving an insulation material. The latency period after exposure can vary 10-50 years. a good friend and fellow union member, he worked close to death from mesothelioma in the last few years.

both of them were part of a lawsuit filed against a variety of asbestos manufacturers still paying damages. Wayne receives a check periodically, while his friend will check to his widow.

"My father is a big believer that nutrition is everything, "said his daughter Cindy, who lives with his father. "I do not think doctors believe that this kind of thing, but he does not believe in doctors. He just wants to help others. He no longer sees well, but he has never, ever get sick. Every time I get sick, it will say "Have you eaten your cherries"

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