Sunday, December 18, 2016

Mesothelioma and flu: What Every caregiver should know

Mesothelioma and flu: What Every caregiver should know -

Caring for a loved one with mesothelioma or other cancer types is a huge undertaking and which comes with a number of responsibilities,
including protection of catching infectious diseases that can further harm their health.

Influenza, commonly called the flu, is one of these diseases.

of influenza outbreaks occur every year, but the timing and severity are unpredictable and can vary from season to season, and its impact in different regions of the same country.

flu activity in the United States commonly peaks in January or February. However, the activity of seasonal influenza can begin as early as October and continue to occur at the end of May.

People whose immune system is weakened by serious illnesses, like mesothelioma or other cancer, and those over 65 are at higher risk of flu complications.

health professionals advise anyone who has cancer or who has had cancer in the past, to protect against the flu by getting a vaccine against seasonal influenza.

caregivers and members of the immediate family should also have a seasonal flu shot to keep from getting the disease and transmit it to those they occupy.

Why should cancer patients, caregivers Take the flu seriously?

Some people think they do not need to take extra precautions because they associate the flu with the common cold. This can have serious repercussions.

Influenza is highly contagious and easily spread by talking, coughing, sneezing and touching surfaces contaminated with secretions expelled by a person already infected with it. Influenza can be deadly, and is the leading cause of preventable deaths in America vaccination.

difference between the flu, colds

While colds and flu have similar symptoms, there are signs that will help you distinguish between the two.

Chart with flu and cold symptoms

Although this table provides a quick go-to reference, you should always consult your doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

How flu spreads

flu spreads when you inhale air droplets contaminated with the virus, which can survive for some time in various places and surfaces, including:

  • One hour in elevators and other enclosed spaces often filled with people.
  • More than 8 hours on stainless steel, plastic and other hard surfaces such as escalators rails, elevator buttons, and basket handles.
  • Up to 15 minutes when transferred from one tissue to someone hands.

people who do not know they have the flu can transfer it to others without knowing it.

Adults may be contagious one day before symptoms develop, and continue to be contagious for up to five days after becoming sick

Precautions Caregiving Someone with mesothelioma

  • vaccination :. the first line of defense against the flu, and it is strongly recommended that the vaccinated patient care and cancer
  • avoid the crowds. during the flu season, try to avoid crowded places whenever possible
  • care in public places :. It is almost impossible to avoid touching the already affected by countless and probably contaminated surfaces by people before you, unless you wear gloves all the time. Try not to put your hands near your mouth when you're in public, and remember to wash your hands thoroughly when you get home. Wash hands does not mean placing your hands under running water for a few seconds. Encourage your patient to do the same
  • Coughing :. Do not use your hands when you cough or sneeze, instead cough into your sleeve
  • Disinfectant .: Clean surfaces, handrails, countertops and other surfaces with disinfectant powerful.

effective hand washing

Health officials recommend the proper way to wash hands is to scrub them thoroughly with hot water and soap for a full period 20 seconds. All parts of the hand should be washed, including the back and front of each hand, between all fingers and around the nails.

sing the lyrics to "Happy Birthday" twice in your head is a good tip to make sure you take at least 20 seconds to wash hands. This handy tip was forwarded to me by the nursing staff of a hospital I worked at, and I've used since.

Washing with water alone is not enough, the soap must be used at any time and it does not matter soap you choose. Regular soap is just as effective as antibacterial soap when it comes to preventing the spread of germs.

Keep you from getting the flu, and understand how it affects those with mesothelioma will help steer clear of disease your loved one.

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