In addition to raising funds to help support the mesothelioma community, the best part of the Alton Miles for Meso race are the shirts.
Run Well, a local running store, was a Bronze Sponsor for the Miles for Meso race 2013. As part of its sponsorship, he received a table to attend Miles for Meso supplier of the fair.
If you've ever attended a Miles for Meso race, you know what I mean because everyone who registers for the race Alton, receives a free shirt. They are a long-sleeved shirt that wicks moisture with cuffed sleeves.
The most common comment we hear every year with participants of the race is how much they love the shirts. This is great news for our corporate sponsors because all levels of sponsorship include having their logo on the back of Miles for Meso shirts.
There is still time for companies that wish to support the mesothelioma community and become godfather Meso miles. The deadline to become a sponsor this year and still get your logo on the back of the shirts is September 15
If you are interested, there are four sponsorship evles to choose from, which include:
$ 500 Bronze - Bronze sponsorship includes a small company logo on the Miles for Meso T-shirt, goody items in the bag, the company's name on the Miles website for Meso, fair vendor table and 4 Race Day passes
$ 1000 silver - the silver sponsorship includes the above with the following improvements :. average company logo on the Miles for Meso T-shirt, the company logo and the link in. website, inclusion in press releases and e-blasts and 6 Race Day passes
$ 2,000 Gold - Gold sponsorship includes the above with the following improvements: a large company logo on the Miles Meso T-shirt, the company logo and the link included on the main page of the Alton racing and online registration page, inclusion in press releases and e-blasts, inclusion in Alton Telegraph print advertising, social media mentions and 8 Race Day passes.
Platinum $ 3,500 - Platinum sponsorship includes the above with the following improvements: recognition as a platinum sponsor on the online registration page stroke, the logo set on the bib numbers of riders, logo largo given priority placement in banners / T-shirts and 10 Race Day passes.
another option available for businesses is to take part in a $ 100 sponsorship provider. This sponsorship will reserve a table for your business in our fair popular provider.
Why become a Miles for Meso Sponsor?
The first Miles for Meso race was held in 09. Since then, Alton race has raised over $ 125,000 for research and support of mesothelioma cancer. The support of the race sponsors play a huge role in the amount of funds raised.
Thousands of lives are affected by mesothelioma and asbestos-related diseases each year. In short, become a Miles for Meso 5K sponsor means that you are not only receive excellent exposure in the Alton community and beyond, but more importantly, you help to support a noble cause. There is no known cure for mesothelioma and all the products Miles for Meso race benefit research and awareness mesothelioma.
If you are interested in joining the 6th annual Miles for Meso 5K in becoming a sponsor, please contact Miles for Meso by calling 877-304-MESO (6376) or by e-mailing info @ If you need more information, learn more today.