Saturday, October 1, 2016

Thousands Rally on Facebook for Four Year-Old Girl With Mesothelioma

Thousands Rally on Facebook for Four Year-Old Girl With Mesothelioma -

There are three weeks our firm were involved in a Facebook campaign to help fund research for cancer on behalf of a 4 year old little girl named Zaida and thousands of other mesothelioma patients across the country. I am pleased to report that in this short time, the campaign has inspired more than 9,000 people to join the cause to fight against mesothelioma and has raised more than $ 13,000 more!

All money goes to the Foundation Mesothelioma Applied Research to fund cancer research. It is free to join and when you make Simmons Hanly Conroy will donate $ 1 to the Foundation. Also, if you donate your own, Simmons Hanly Conroy will then match your donation. It is simple and a great way to raise awareness and raise funds for research. Here is what it looks like on Facebook:


Why Facebook? As a social networking tool, Facebook has more than 100 million people who log on every day, and the average user has 0 friends. Facebook quickly became a way to generate interest and dialogue on issues that directly affect the well-being of our country, including the election of President Obama. You can join Facebook here.

Giving back to the people we serve and represent has always been a priority for our firm, and if you have ever sat in the living room of a family who has just discovered a loved one has mesothelioma, you know Why. I am happy to report that even before the Zaida Facebook campaign was officially set up, employees more than 0 Simmons Hanly Conroy opened their hearts and wallets and collectively raised more than $ 22,000.

obvisously, when we heard about Zaida, we knew we had to attend. It can not be the typical face of this cancer, but it is a face that can inspire more involvement, more commitment and more resources - which can lead to better treatment options and one day a remedy. It certainly inspired us -. Like the thousands of steelworkers, carpenters and veterans we saw the fight against this disease

I hope you are inspired, too, because there is much more work that can be done . Let's see if we can raise another $ 10,000 on Facebook - and when we succeed, we'll do it again! Let's give this conversation a long time the attention of the wider public is merit.


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