Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Restoring Hope With Memories and The Knighton Mesothelioma Research Fund

Restoring Hope With Memories and The Knighton Mesothelioma Research Fund -

Often we see the progress of the tragedy in the hope, and the stories are always encouraging. The story of Chris Knighton and the loss of her husband, Mick Knighton, does just that; it brings tears to my eyes and lets you simultaneously.

Chris and Mick Knighton had a happy marriage, loving couple with children and grandchildren with whom they shared their joy. In 00, Mick had had difficulty breathing, and the couple visited their doctor to investigate. Once they have been diagnosed, they were both shocked and saddened. Mick was diagnosed with mesothelioma and had only 6 months to live.

Mesothelioma is a terminal cancer caused by exposure to asbestos in the air, which can affect the lining of the stomach or, as in the case of Mick, the liner of the lungs (known as pleural mesothelioma). Due to the advanced nature of Mick condition at diagnosis, there was no treatment options available, only means to help make it more comfortable.

Mick and his wife, Chris, were shocked to learn of the research and the limited information available on mesothelioma, and the family was even more surprised to learn that Mick had been exposed to asbestos during his time serving in the navy, almost 50 years before diagnosis. The Navy took no responsibility for Disease Mick. This realization inspired Chris to launch a fundraising campaign, both to honor her husband, who died seven months after being diagnosed with mesothelioma, and to fund more research on this aggressive disease and new treatment options.

Out of the tragedy Knighton family was born on Research Fund Mick Knighton Mesothelioma, which raises awareness of mesothelioma and money for research into mesothelioma. In 02, Chris Knighton vowed that the death of her husband would not be in vain and that thousands more people exposed to asbestos would be recognized as she launched the fund.

In addition to the Research Fund for Mick Knighton Mesothelioma, Chris launched the Snowdrop Fund that allows others to conduct fundraising efforts as tributes to those who lost or suffering from mesothelioma. Mesothelioma Research Fund Knighton helps organize and promote programs Snowdrop Fund. It is the hope of this family that the combined efforts of both foundations can bring more hope to the thousands of families who will face a diagnosis of mesothelioma in the future.

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