Saturday, October 8, 2016

Guest Post: Katie Carpenter, What arouses hope

Guest Post: Katie Carpenter, What arouses hope -

to cancer is a set multimedia project that aims to strengthen support for those who face cancer ? . We thank Katie Carpenter to contribute a blog inspiring hope.

I encourage you, if you have your own story to share with someone. It may be just what someone needs to hear to create that spark in them to keep fighting and looking to the future with hope.

"You have cancer." These three words can change your life in an instant. A diagnosis can often bring fear and anxiety in a person's life and raise some scary questions like " I'm dying? "or" How will I pay for it? "

So it is important for people who are facing cancer to know they are not alone in their struggle. Qu 'is what they need most is hope

When the world says.. "Give up" hope whispers, "Try again"

He must feel particularly lonely face a rare cancer like mesothelioma, which may not receive as much attention and awareness than others. But we are the same.

Our current series, Facing Cancer Together , is to take a look more closely at the impact of cancer in our community. We learned caregivers, doctors, cancer patients and survivors mesothelioma it is compassion humor and sharing stories that can go a long way in providing comfort, strength and ultimately, hope in the darkness of cancer.


We met many physicians, navigators nurses, support group leaders, researchers, lawyers, mesothelioma patients and consultants who worked alongside cancer patients and their families to provide the best treatment and care of the whole patient body and mind. They show compassion face the fear, and create a plan of hope in helping patients move towards health.

Doctor Speaking with Patient Dr. Roy Williams, a medical oncologist at Fox Chase Cancer PinnacleHealth-Regional Center, is passionate about what he does, and is compassionate to each patient entrusted to him. He said: "I am often asked:" How can you stand being a cancer doctor? "The answer is complicated, but simply ?? I am inspired by the courage, strength, faith, generosity, and even the mood of patients with cancer and their families. "

Why is compassion so important for a cancer patient?" I desire mercy not complain, "said the journalist Lori Hope cancer survivor when we spoke with her about the cancer patients really want you to know . " you do not want to feel as if someone is looking at you. What you want is to feel compassion and an equal ?? not as if there is something wrong with you or that there is something that you did that gave you cancer. "She added:" Blaming shore do not hope you do not have to look back, you need to look forward.. "


This is also a key element in maintaining hope while facing a stressful, painful and frightening disease.

Lori Hope said, "Sometimes you just need to laugh and forget about the cancer for a while. People with cancer want people to know that humor strengthens hope and creates a positive outlook on the world. It can be difficult to escape 'cancerland' in mind and body, so humor is an escape. Laughter is great medicine! "

Garnet Stevens Garnet Stevens is another person we spoke and learned a lot. He is being treated for brain cancer and says that blogging has helped him on his journey, not only to help keep family and friends informed about the way he did, but to help himself stay positive.He said. "This is a brutal disease may make you want to quit, but are not . find this person in your life that keep you positive, find the thing you love to do most if it allows you to stay positive and always keep trying to find that positive. "

His words and meaning humor inspire others to find the positives in their lives, and continue ... and as the Garnet said at the end of each blog post, "keep the faith." He said: "If I can give another survivor, or those caring for them, a brief moment of humor, then all the chemo and radiation will be worth it. (Well, maybe it is not exactly an even trade!) "

Many mesothelioma survivors have formed a strong support community online. Since mesothelioma is a rare cancer, survivors built connections via blogs and Facebook. Several survivors communicate from Australia, New Zealand, UK, Canada and the United States

Stories Sharing

the motto of facing cancer together is "Connecting stories. Login lives." Because we believe so strongly in the power that comes from sharing personal stories and experience. I am inspired daily by the wisdom and strength in the stories I hear. And I am touched by the way people help each other cope with what may be the hardest thing to overcome in their lives. I am grateful for these wise teachers.

I have heard of many of these cancer survivors as sharing their own stories was healing for them, it validates their experiences. That's why cancer patients also have a great opportunity to be a beacon of hope for others. Their words of wisdom offer comfort and encouragement, and tell those who are facing cancer, "You are not alone."

Mesothelioma Wall of Hope is a place for caregivers and survivors to outline their journey with mesothelioma. Everyone has a message to the community and what their inspiration is to fight.

It is comforting to know that there is a genuine caring community advocates and survivors out there who share their wisdom. They were there. They know what its like to get diagnosed and know what it feels like to lose hair, feel sick, and fight. Patients need to hear stories of hope to others who have traveled this road katie-carpenter-287x300

Written by :. Katie Carpenter, producer of Facing Cancer Together

Facing Cancer Together is a multimedia project designed to inspire and honest conversations about the many aspects of cancer. You can create a patch to add to our with Cancer Quilt digital set stories of cancer. Explore individual stories that combine to tell a larger story about the impact of cancer on life in our own communities.

We are extremely grateful to be part of a strong and supportive community. Thank you to Katie and all members of Facing Cancer Together. If you want to share with the community support, connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.

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