As a counselor cancer, caregivers often ask me what useful things and support, they should say or do for a loved one with mesothelioma.
We all have different opinions on what we consider favorable when we are sick. Some people like lots of support, comfort and offers of practical assistance. Others prefer to be treated quite normal - as if there is no crisis at all health -. By family and friends, unless they ask for help
There is no good way to support someone you love is diagnosed with mesothelioma. There is only the way works best for them and you.
Providing specific support Types
I suggest you start by asking your friend or how you can best support loved. Listen to their requests and think about how you can provide this support. Another option is to offer specific ways to help:
- Can you take them to a doctor or treatment appointment once a week
- Are you ready to mow their lawn while they are in treatment?
- Can you provide regular meals for their families?
- Are you available 24/7 if they just want to talk or cry on the phone?
Some people are reluctant to seek help when they have mesothelioma because they do not know how much is too much. If you offer something specific, then there is no doubt in their minds that help you say when you make the offer.
Keep Them Connected
Many mesothelioma patients say they appreciate the outpouring of support and concern just after they are diagnosed. However, they report that co-workers, family and friends often stop calling and offering support as their treatment progresses over several weeks and months.
Many mesothelioma patients feel alone and may experience feelings of depression. Visit, make phone calls and send emails or cards throughout the duration of treatment may help them feel connected to the outside world.
Know when to offer help
When people we love are hurt or fear, it is natural for us to want to help or give advice. However, most patients want help or advice only when they ask. unsolicited advice or assistance can actually make patients feel useless or unable to care for themselves.
Avoid offering advice that starts with: "You should try ??" Instead, choose a more open question like, "How are you feeling ??? "
one last suggestion: Resist the temptation to tell your loved one with mesothelioma." always positive and strong "It is easy for patients to feel positive when they hear good news from their doctor or the experience of a day free of side effects. However, when they are struggling or learn that a treatment works not as expected, then the pressure to be 'positive' is more useful. in fact, it can make them feel like they can not as a patient
Our close with mesothelioma are entitled to every emotion only accompanying their experience. - the good, the bad and the ugly, we can better support by listening to how they feel and accept their sadness, tears or anger
Educate Yourself
Take the time and learn more about mesothelioma and what it's like to undergo treatment. provides news on the latest treatments, blogs caregivers and survivors, and also offers group monthly support. The site also includes information for doctors and treatment centers.
You can also do your research on the National Cancer Institute Web sites or the American Cancer Society. Learn about cancer and plan treatment for your beloved can help them feel loved and understood as they talk about their cancer experience.