John Conway is already considering a marinade recipe for mahi mahi that he expects when grilling he returned to Florida and hops on his autumn boat cruise in the Atlantic to begin deep-sea fishing again.
He envisions a future.
malignant pleural mesothelioma may have dominated his life recently, but giving in ?? or give up -. is the last thing on his mind
"I have a lot more living to do," he said from his home in Massachusetts. "A lot more fish to catch."
And many more golf to play, more practice target to take more things to fix, and a whole lot more hugs to give Mia, her adorable 10 d 'granddaughter year.
"Yes, he has a lot to live," added his wife, Pat. "We intend to see that he gets that chance."
Conway, 69, is a Navy veteran of 19 years whose ships were part of the blockade the Cuban missile crisis and later the Vietnam War, to serve his country proudly and heroically, not Whereas his time at sea would haunt him decades later.
a boiler technician Navy
He worked as chief engineer of the boiler Navy on the USS Wasp (CVS-18), where he was likely exposed to asbestos who leads to mesothelioma, a rare cancer, but aggressive that baffled his life.
After serving on four different ships Navy ?? USS Wasps, USS John Paul Jones, USS Dale and USS Puget Sound - he left for the Merchant Navy, where he worked for 24 more years before moving on to what should be a long and happy retirement
". I grew up wanting to be in the Navy, probably from the age of 12 years," he said. "I am proud to be here, proud to serve. It was fun, too. It took me around the world three times. I never thought any long range threat. "
Unfortunately, Conway served at the height of the era of asbestos, when the vessels were covered from stem to stern with asbestos products, particularly where he often worked.
he was part of a team that helped historic space program in America, aboard ships recovered Mercury, Gemini and Apollo space capsules. Yet it was also part of a crew who stripped asbestos insulation off under the bridge steam pipes WASP, unconsciously inhaling toxic asbestos fibers.
"he used to look like it was snowing out there," he said .

diagnosed in 2012
Conway was diagnosed with mesothelioma in July 2012, over 40 years after he was first exposed, yet another example of the period of this aggressive cancer latency.
"pulmonologist told me I had a year to live," he said. "When I got the news, I'm devastated. It is not easy. "
" I was crying my eyes every day for a week, "said Pat.
The Conways, however, fought back. They found Brigham & Women's Hospital and mesothelioma expert David Sugarbaker, who led their medical care in Boston. The Department of Veterans Assistance to led them quickly through the often frustrating process VA claims, leaving the focus on medical issues.
"When you first get diagnosed and start reading about the disease, it is not pleasant. The more you read, the more you get depressed," said Pat. "It was like walking into a dark tunnel, looking and looking for answers. We're lucky, very lucky, to find the right people. was a big help there."
Conway endured nine cycles of chemotherapy, split between Boston and Florida. His aggressive treatment approach was temporarily diverted when he suffered a mild heart attack. He had surgery in January that removed the pleural lining around her lungs and all visible tumors on the chest wall.
His last scan was good because no new tumor growth appeared. It has more tests scheduled soon. Meanwhile, his strength is slowly returning.
Ready to fish again
He takes walks twice a day now, hoping that his stamina will return. Pat often walks with him. Sometimes it's daughter Lauren. Sometimes it's son David. And sometimes it is granddaughter Mia.
"days we had good days and not so good. There were a lot of ups and downs. Our hope is that John continues to grow, and we can get our life back to the normal, "said Pat.
The couple is also making vacation plans for a European cruise before returning to their home in Florida. Conway spent much of his career on the water, and still hopes to spend much of his retirement, too.
"Mahi is always my favorite," said Conway. "Mariner in Italian dressing overnight, and put it on the grill. It's a tough to beat. "