Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Do not let cancer risk ruining your summer grill

Do not let cancer risk ruining your summer grill -

Now that summer is here, many of us are preparing to take until the grill and enjoy the smells and tastes of some good barbecue.

although the grid can provide a fun alternative to cooking on the stove, and keep food odors out of your home, you must be careful not to over bake these tasty foods as this can increase the risk of consuming too many carcinogenic chemicals, also known as carcinogens.

carcinogens formed when meat blackens and characters. Another carcinogenic chemical forms when grease flows on the element coals or heating.

In addition to the carcinogens created on the grill, processed meats and red meat are also strongly linked to an increased risk of developing certain cancers.

Although mesothelioma is not caused by these chemicals, some colon cancers are linked to these carcinogens.

How these carcinogens form?

chemical products by cooking some meat on the grill are heterocyclic amines (HCA) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).

Lab tests on animals show HCA and PAH are mutagenic, meaning that they cause changes in DNA and may increase the risk of cancer after they are metabolized in the body.

HCAs are caused when the amino acids, sugars and creatine (a substance found in muscle meat) react at high temperatures types of flame or frying pan. We can visually detect these changes in meat when the flesh of apples and eventually turns black.

A level of HCAs form when the upper flesh tanks.

Meanwhile, PAHs begins to develop when fat flesh running down the fire element, coal or heating. The rocket caused by gout creates smoke. This smoke contains PAHs that end up sticking to the meat. It is also caused when people smoke meat in closed containers.

Research shows PAHs are also found in cigarette smoke and exhaust pipes of vehicles

What foods Carry the greatest risk of producing Carcinogens?

The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR), which focuses much of his research on diet and cancer prevention, recommends limiting red meat to no more than 18 ounces per week.

One reason for limiting meat is the type of iron in it. About 40 percent of the iron in meat is heme iron. It is what gives meat its red color. Non-heme iron includes the rest of the iron in meat, but it is also found in fruits, vegetables, food and iron-fortified cereals.

However, heme iron is absorbed at much higher levels than non-heme iron. . Heme iron is also linked to colorectal cancer

Food that can develop carcinogens when cooked at high temperatures, while above 300 degrees Fahrenheit, include:

  • Fish and crustaceans
  • poultry (chicken, turkey, duck)
  • Beef
  • Lamb
  • hog
  • calf

Beware consuming processed meats such as hot dogs, sausage, ham, bacon and sausages because they contain higher levels of nitrates and other chemicals used to preserve them.

smoking, curing and salting meat also raises the risk of cancer because of the harmful effects of these products in our cells.

How should you safely Meats Grill?

There are some ways to reduce the risk of creating too much HCAs and PAHs in foods such as marinating, seal food in aluminum foil and precooking

Some tips on cooking safely reduce the risk of cancer.

  • Marinate: studies show marinating meats, poultry and fish will reduce HCAs training significantly. Use a mixture of vinegar or lemon juice, various herbs and spices and marinate for at least 30 minutes
  • Precook your meat :. precooking reduce the time the meat is on the grill, reduce the amount of PAHs. You can pre-cook in the oven or stove and finish on the grill for flavor
  • safer alternatives :. Limit your intake of beef burgers and hot dogs, and go for some meatless options such as veggie burgers, vegetable skewers and some grilled tofu. Fish doesn ?? t require doneness as meats do, then try some grilled fish recipes
  • Outsmart it :. Place aluminum foil on the grill first to protect your food directly from exposure to flames. This way you eliminate smoking that occurs when fat and other juice drop by drop over the flame
  • Simmer. Cooking at lower temperatures avoids carbonization associated with the formation of HCAs and PAHs. If the pieces are charred meat on your meal, cut.

Simple Marinade Recipe Packed with Antioxidants

  • ¼ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • 3 garlic cloves, chopped

Combine all ingredients and using the mixture to marinate chicken or other meat for at least 30 minutes. Discard marinade before cooking.

The marinade can also be used on vegetables. Marinate large pieces of red onions, peppers, mushrooms and zucchini. Skewer vegetables and serve tasty kebabs.

This recipe will marinate about 1.5 pounds of meat.

Some Other Interesting and Safe Foods Grill

You do not always rely on the meat to the grill, try fruits and assorted vegetables

  • fruit: .. watermelon, peaches, figs and bananas are some healthy towers on the grill
  • garlic: Peel and roasted garlic in a little oil and wrapped in aluminum foil. These pieces of fight against cancer can be cooked in about 20 minutes and stored in the refrigerator for later use
  • Cauliflower :. Slice and marinade with olive oil, season with salt and other herbs. Grill each side for 2 minutes to a rich side dish in antioxidants.
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