When we hear that a friend, neighbor or colleague is doing a detox diet, we often wonder how crazy or severe their addiction is chosen. Are they maintaining a spicy concoction of lemonade? Are they or juice fasting for days? Is their diet looks like a rabbit?
The amount of detox products on the shelves is staggering. In 08 alone, 54 new food and beverage products hit the market with the word "detox" in the description. Despite their popularity, most people can not clearly define what a detox diet is - not because they do not know, but because there is no one-size-fits- all definition
detoxifying diets like the Master. Cleanse are popular among celebrities, while cleanses juice are popular among health enthusiasts. Recently, vegan diets are getting together in the mix. "Detox Plan" has become such a ubiquitous phrase in the health news that consumers are not sure to post detoxing as another fad of health or serious consideration.
And they're nervous anyway, because whatever benefits or risks, the mere existence of detox diets suggests that we are in need of some body purification. This concept does not come as a surprise given the amount of chemicals that are used today to treat, preserve and store food, but do such toxins affect cancer patients differently?
If people with cancer be running to or away from detox diets?
Detox What?
Any search of food options can quickly feel overwhelmed by the onslaught of conflicting nutritional information. People with cancer have even more to think that the average person in nutrition. Reduce fat, and serve detox bases.
The essence of most detox diets is to omit or reduce the unhealthy foods. The usual suspects are sweets, fats dense, salty snacks and processed foods. Drinks like soda, alcohol and caffeine are generally avoided. Some detox diets recommend eliminating meat and dairy products, others limit solid foods for liquids, and some focus on adding herbs or alkaline food.
The aim of unifying them is to clean the body? ? or just give him a break ?? compounds which may have toxic effects in humans.
Many of these plans are designed to flush the body of harmful compounds quickly. In essence, some of these detox diets promise to clean your body as a cleaning speed service rub your house. Hate to clean baseboards and bathroom? Hire a housekeeper, and relax. Cringe at the thought of eating healthy on a daily basis? Buy a detox kit, and cross your fingers.
detoxification Polarization does not help
Many people with cancer wonder if they should try a detox diet. They know they need to eat healthier, and they naturally wonder if a fast track to a clean body is accessible. But with a healthy diet as veganism is amalgamated with the Miracle Diet Hollywood 48 hours, the people do not know or trust each issue the reported health benefits of detoxification.
The detox diet proponents say our bodies need cleaning because the amount of toxic chemicals in our food, water and the air is too high for human safety. Opponents say that the body already does a good job of filtering these toxins, and only a few chemicals does accumulate in the body, so we need not worry about the toxins Sea.
Genetic studies prove strong associations between disease and toxins in our food. Other studies, many of which are funded by the food industry of the United States, saying that the risk of illness of these chemicals is so minimal that a clear link can not be proven yet and may never be confirmed.
European countries and other countries worldwide have banned most substances which are still widely used in the United States, including arsenic, several artificial food colors, brominated vegetable oil, Olestra, and hormones rBGH and rBST growth.
Even those who claim that the body does a dandy job of filtering the gunk can not deny that our exposure to toxins is greater than ever. And although most of the toxins pass through the body quickly, the potential damage do they do if our exposure is in compliance? Some scientists are conducting research proves the damage caused by certain substances and accumulates over time leads to an increased risk of cancer and other diseases.
What people do in this time when the scientific consensus on the best diet seems to change constantly? a return to simple foods, real could be a viable solution to our diets too processed?
Do not insist on Detoxing, Just Eat Clean
Proponents of clean power are frustrated with the polarization detoxify. Rather than bash or completely detox benefits shout from the rooftops, the proponents of clean power seek a balanced perspective on food. They ask, why not just eat adulterated food as close to their source as possible and limit consumption of manufactured and modified foods?
Eat whole, organic foods is an effective way to reduce your exposure to toxins. Yes, harmful chemicals will persist in our water and air, and we can not do much except to express our concerns to politicians and vote with our dollar buying, food and biological products respectful of the environment. But more organic products and whole grains we eat, the more phytochemicals fight against the disease that we consume, which can reverse the effects of chemicals that we encounter in the environment.
cancer patients can play safely while improving their diets health by incorporating more organic whole foods in their weekly meal plans. Nutritionists who specialize in working with cancer patients are a fantastic resource for someone who is open to one-on-one coaching. A number of cancer centers across the country offer nutritional counseling and cooking classes in groups and practical workshops. Some people with cancer have slowed symptoms, reduced side effects of treatment, and boosted immunity with dietary measures. Examples:
- Chemotherapy: Some foods have a soothing effect on digestion during chemotherapy, such as fresh ginger. Slice and steep in hot water for tea, or chop and add to cooked dishes for great flavor and digestive relief
- Radiotherapy :. Dry mouth is a common side effect of radiotherapy, and eat soft foods that require little chewing can help people consume the calories they need during treatment. Soups, vegetables and mashed smoothies are good options
- Immunity :. Phytochemicals, few powerful compounds found in plants, are effective in boosting immunity in current scientific studies. Fruits and vegetables are loaded with phytochemicals, and the variety of colors is important. Choose a rainbow of products like raspberries, blueberries, tomatoes, green and leafy carrots.
marketing messages and media encourage the belief that we do not have enough time to prepare healthy foods. But we will have time if we choose to eat a proper priority. Cancer patients have more incentive than the average person to eat, a clean and healthy diet.
Ruth Heidrich says she owes her breast cancer remission to a whole-food vegan diet. Paul Kraus attributes his survival in mesothelioma cancer to a vegetarian diet and other natural therapies. When chemotherapy failed to help mesothelioma survivor James Broomer, he turned to the Budwig protocol, which some call "the anti-cancer diet." Documentaries like Forks Over Knives and Food Matters offer personal testimonies of multiple cancers and disease to enter any food-complete remission following a diet.
with so many people witnessing the effects of the disease reversal of a whole-food, clean food, you will be the next to find you eat like a rabbit?
Read what others are saying mesothelioma patients about diet and nutrition on Facebook.