Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Antioxidants may neutralize Asbestos, help prevent mesothelioma

Antioxidants may neutralize Asbestos, help prevent mesothelioma -

If you like fruits and vegetables, you'll be glad to hear the findings of a new study of mesothelioma. Evidence suggests the foods you eat can protect your body against damage caused by exposure to asbestos.

For nearly a century, researchers have sought to understand how asbestos causes damage to the human body. Despite decades of advanced research, we do not know exactly how asbestos leads to mesothelioma. But we have good hunches. One of these presentiments is oxidative stress.

A team of Turkish researchers recently conducted a study to assess oxidative stress in malignant mesothelioma. They discovered that oxidative stress a person can help predict the risk of developing cancer. And they think that antioxidants may provide powerful protection against oxidative stress.

We will explore what it means and how it can be applied to the prevention of diseases related to asbestos, and the treatment of this cancer. What you are about to read may inspire you to add different fruits and vegetables to your diet.

Asbestos leads to oxidative stress

Once inside the body, asbestos leads to the formation of chemicals called reactive oxygen species (ROS). These chemicals are not harmful to normal levels. They even provide important signals to the immune system. But when ROS levels are kept in balance, they damage cells and your DNA.

Oxidative stress occurs when the ROS chemicals rampant. For comparison, the oxidative stress is similar to the chemical reaction into iron rust. Scientists believe that oxidative stress is implicated in the development of cancer and many other diseases such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and heart disease.

Antioxidants are what keep the ROS chemicals in check. They neutralize ROS and prevent oxidative stress occurs. Some antioxidants can even repair damage in oxidative stress states.

Antioxidants to the Rescue

Antioxidants are loosely defined as substances that repair damage caused by free radicals. They are found in the foods you eat. Antioxidants you consume every day, especially if you eat a lot of products, beans and whole grains.

ROS chemicals are a type of free radicals, which is defined as a compound that steals electrons (tiny particles that orbit the atom) other compounds. This event causes a destructive chain reaction that can damage cells and DNA.

Antioxidants are the opposite of free radicals. They donate electrons. When a free radical steals an electron as ROS, the role of an antioxidant is to donate an electron, stopping the destructive chain reaction initially caused by free radical.

Antioxidants are like water in a ROS wildfire put out the flames and prevent further destruction.

They help us avoid oxidative stress. However, where exposure to toxins such as asbestos or cigarettes is fairly large, ROS levels increase. When ROS chemicals outnumber antioxidants, oxidative stress may occur.

Antioxidants for prevention and treatment of mesothelioma

The researchers wonder if providing the body with lots of antioxidants could counteract the damage caused by exposure to asbestos. No studies have directly investigated the potential, but a handful of studies have focused on related research topics.

For example, two scientific studies have studied the diet and mesothelioma risk. Both found the risk of cancer was lower in people who ate more vegetables. The antioxidants in vegetables could be among the main mechanisms responsible for the reduced risk.

Little research examined as antioxidants processing value against mesothelioma. The results indicate that antioxidants may increase the effects of chemotherapy in cancer patients. However, some antioxidants may decrease the effects of chemotherapy.

A 2013 study by Italian researchers took a look at how vitamin C and extract EGCG (the primary antioxidant in green tea) affect mesothelioma tumors when it is combined with chemotherapy gemcitabine drugs. The addition of vitamin C and EGCG reduces tumor growth and spread over chemotherapy alone. The study was conducted on mice, and the results are so promising that the researchers suggested that treatment be tested in humans

Eat a variety of foods Antioxidant

Here the takeaway. Antioxidant- eat foods on a regular basis. No matter what you've been exposed to in your life, consuming a diet rich in antioxidants will help repair your body and fend off disease.

Plant foods contain the highest amounts of antioxidants. Think vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts and whole grains. Beef, poultry and seafood are the greatest sources of antioxidants. However, meat, dairy products and eggs that are organic and free range contain more antioxidants than conventional sources. Researchers suspect that the increased nutrient levels in organic foods and lead soil with higher levels of antioxidants organic foods. Moreover, they are free of potentially harmful hormones, antibiotics and preservatives

Consider adding these antioxidant rich foods in your regular diet.

  • fruits: blueberries, cranberries, blackberries, plums, raspberries and strawberries
  • vegetables: artichokes, Russet potatoes, broccoli and spinach
  • beans: red beans, kidney beans and pinto beans
  • nuts: pecans, walnuts and macadamia nuts
  • Grains: brown rice, quinoa, oats and barley

It is important to note that supplementation with isolated antioxidants is recommended. He must avoid during chemotherapy. Be sure to discuss supplementation with your doctor before taking during cancer therapy. Some supplements can complicate the treatment of traditional cancer. For example, vitamin C is known to reduce the effectiveness of the chemotherapy drug doxorubicin mesothelioma, methotrexate, and vinblastine.

Anyone with exposure to asbestos before or smoking history should avoid supplementing with beta-carotene isolated. High doses of beta-carotene appeared to increase lung cancer risk in smokers and people exposed to asbestos.

Oxidative stress is not the only mechanism by which asbestos harms the body. Asbestos can also damage cells more directly when the asbestos fibers pierce through the lining of the lungs. Fortunately, scientists believe antioxidants can help repair this type of direct, too.
Many mesothelioma survivors say that the transition to a diet herbal had a positive impact on their health and general well-being. Many cancer centers have nutritionists on staff to help people improve their diet. Ask your oncologist to recommend a nutritionist; every effort to improve your health will contribute to your quality of life.

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