Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Lung Cancer Awareness Events | Fight for Air Climbs

Lung Cancer Awareness Events | Fight for Air Climbs -

awareness for a cure to care was a priority for all who have been touched by cancer, either as a patient, parent of a patient or the doctors and nurses who treat patients or researchers who learn about the disease.

No surprise, the cancer community is growing because people are more aware of what is at stake. The cancer has affected almost everyone in some Wayand there are many organizations that want to keep you.

For more than 95 years, the American Lung Association (ALA) has devoted his time to save lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease. ALA raises funds through national campaigns such as the struggle for Air climb. These events are held nationwide to raise funds for research and awareness efforts.

Fight for Air Climb events can take place in prominent skyscrapers, stadiums or arenas and involve climbing multiple steps. Participants will sometimes climb 1000 steps. This event attracts a wide range of participants from 12 to 80 years. It is especially popular among firefighters as they are well aware of the importance of the security of the lung, and they are likely to have lung problems in their line of work.

Stair-climbing events include teams businesses, families, individuals, athletes, police, fire and other community organizations. Money is raised through corporate sponsorships, registration fees and individual donations / team. All proceeds help support the fight against the American Lung Association lung diseases.

Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer death in the United States. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer that affects the lining of the lungs. Lung cancer and mesothelioma have very similar symptoms. They both create large amounts of pain in the chest cavity, shortness of breath and weight loss.

Since 1999, the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation (MARF) raised funds for mesothelioma cancer. MARF raised approximately $ 7.5 million for clinical research. This is a strong network of volunteers that organizes events and collect donations.

upcoming events for mesothelioma include fundraising 5k run / walks, memorial services and banquets. Have a local event to show your support. If the distance is too much, then you can always make a donation online.

An event that caught my attention was the Football for a Cure. James Bard is trying to break the world record for the longest ever played football game. His father was exposed to asbestos while serving in the army and died of mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is no stranger to those served in the military. And this event is a great way to raise awareness Jamescan in memory of his father.

Lung cancer and mesothelioma are hurting the community for decades. Organizations such as the ALA MARF and work towards finding a cure for lung cancer and mesothelioma.

For more information on events ALA www.FightForAirClimb.org visit or call your local American Lung Association at 1-800-LUNG-USA. Information on the fight for the rise of air provided by Andrew Feast, Special Events AVP (American Lung Association).

What kind of outreach events to participate you do? Are there any upcoming events that you attend? Share with us on Facebook and Twitter !

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