Mesothelioma has symptoms that can also be found in a variety of other ailments. While you may need the services of a mesothelioma doctor, once the diagnosis is confirmed, your family doctor may need to order tests for confirmation. Early detection can mean the difference between mesothelioma treatments for localized disease or has metastasized and spread to other parts of the body.
mesothelioma symptoms such as chest pain and irregular heartbeat are other equally serious problems. Even if your medical problems are caused by a condition other than mesothelioma, rapid action when experiencing chest pain, blockage of the intestine or abdominal pain can prevent your case from becoming worse by the lack of treatment.
Once you ask for medical help, be sure to inform your doctor of any potential exposure to asbestos or related materials. Sometimes people do not fully appreciate the risks of a current or former occupation and do not think to include details in a medical questionnaire or when the doctor asks for information about your background. If you have been employed as a plumber, auto mechanic, builder, or even as a sailor in the navy of the United States, you may be at risk for mesothelioma. If you were potentially exposed to asbestos, even in a small way, your doctor needs to know.
before you are referred to a mesothelioma doctor, your doctor will examine your story along your symptoms. How shortness of breath, fever and chronic cough compare with your potential risk for the disease? These symptoms by themselves could indicate a number of less serious problems; when accompanied by abnormal blood coagulation, irregular heartbeat or a red blood cell count reduces your doctor most likely to order medical tests to find out what is causing the problems.
These tests may include an analysis of arterial blood gases, lung capacity measurements, a scan of the whole body, or possibly a biopsy of a cancerous growth. Tests such as blood gas analysis and lung capacity measures are designed to show whether the body is functioning normally; a biopsy is more specific. suspicious growths (or part of them) are removed and examined to determine whether they are malignant or benign.
If the results of these tests indicate mesothelioma, you have several choices to make. You can get a second opinion for your diagnosis is correct. In these cases, you can require a review and additional testing. A second doctor will review the results of the first series of tests along your history and then determine what type of medical detective work is required to confirm the initial diagnosis or identify a possible alternative response.
If the original diagnosis is confirmed, or if you decide against getting a second opinion, your next decision is what to do about your mesothelioma treatment options. It is important to make an informed choice, talk to your doctor about the benefits of a mesothelioma doctor and use a team of specialists to treat you. If your local hospital is not equipped to handle extensive care, you may require, request a referral to a mesothelioma expert and how to organize treatment.