I have reviewed hundreds of medical records during the last decade, and the only important point I want to clarify is that I rarely an exposure to asbestos mention in medical records until after a mesothelioma diagnosis has been made.
I've never seen any questions or reference to exposure to asbestos while on medical questionnaire I completed for myself or my husband. I saw the question on questionnaires on medical history and exposure of these surgeons and specialists who treat patients with mesothelioma and for those who are monitored by their jobs.
Now I know I can not remember every little thing in my life, but if you, as you read this, can recall your own exposure to asbestos - take the time to write. Try to remember the year, the type of exposure and product. In fact, it might be a good idea to keep a journal that includes your medical history, surgeries, illnesses, hospitalizations, medications and exposure to all toxic substances. And remember to include your parents and medical history of brothers and sisters, if you know him, because he is always on the medical questionnaire. If anything, having a medical journal, it would be easier for you or a loved one to complete the medical questionnaire. And it is important to keep it current and in a practical, easy to locate place if you need in an emergency. And you snowbirds, take with you when you head south for the winter.
Not all of us will be diagnosed with a disease related to asbestos, but we must ensure that our doctor is aware of our history of exposure. It can be useful when listening to your chest and hear the clicking or rub in the chest. Tell him all your symptoms, including night sweats, nagging cough and difficulty sleeping on one side or on the back. Let him know if you wake up short of breath or have a heaviness in the chest. Do not be shy, embarrassed or too proud of him all your problems say.
If after seeing your doctor has prescribed medication for any illness, and your health will improve or symptoms linger, then go back to your doctor and tell him. Help him to you.
Mesothelioma can not be diagnosed through a biopsy or analysis of cells from a fluid removed from the chest or abdomen tissue. If your doctor decides that it is necessary for you to undergo one or more of these diagnostic tests, to follow her advice and do it!