The Awareness Organization diseases of asbestos, an independent organization funded through voluntary contributions and staff entirely by volunteers, opened the registration for its 5th awareness to asbestos Day annual Conference March 27 to March 29, 09. the event this year will take place at the Manhattan Beach Marriott in Manhattan Beach, California
in 04, asbestos victims and their families founded the advocacy organization with asbestos-related diseases (ADAO). ADAO's mission is to provide medical information, the most advanced available on occupational and environmental diseases related to asbestos individuals worldwide. The global crisis of asbestos will be part of the conference ADAO 09, and there will be a special focus on India, the world's largest importer of asbestos.
This year, the organization plans to bring a powerful combination of asbestos victims, their families, employers, employees, researchers and medical experts around the world to provide medical information, on occupational and environmental diseases related to asbestos. There will be expert speakers discuss prevention of exposure and identifying occupational and non-occupational exposure, public health, and early warning symptoms of the disease linked to asbestos. Jordon musician Zevon, son of Warren Zevon (who lost his life to asbestos disease) and a leading advocate for asbestos victims and their families, will be the event's honorary speaker.
The conference is made possible with the support and collaborative efforts of two key organizations. The first is the Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute Barbara, which is one of 41 national cancer institutes and is considered one of the best in the nation, as they have conducted more than 700 specific scientific investigations cancer clinical trials. Ban Asbestos Secretariat International also plays a key role in the conference. IBAS works as an instrument for the exchange of information between groups and individuals working to achieve a global ban on asbestos
For more information or to register, visit to :.