If you have the opportunity to visit the Hanly Conroy Simmons Mesothelioma Video Library (MVL), you may find helpful as you get ready for your first consultation with an expert mesothelioma
. you know you have questions, but ask them how to get answers is important. Viewing these videos will help you better understand medical terminology to communicate your concerns to doctors. In addition, knowledge of the correct pronunciation and the description of a procedure will help you understand what the doctor is trying to tell you.
Of course, note any questions and concerns. It might be a good idea to type your list, so that everyone can read it if you or a family member become unable to do so. And remember to leave a space to write the answer below each question. It can be confusing to review the notes if you can not associate the answer to the question.
Take steps to ensure that your medical records arrive at the doctor's office, allowing ample time for review. The doctor may decide further tests are needed, which may require an overnight stay in hospital or a few extra days for completion.
You want to be prepared, and this includes your travel and accommodation arrangements. When you talk with the doctor's staff, ask for recommendations. If the expert is affiliated with a medical center or university, ask if there is housing on-campus housing or discounts with local hotels or motels. Often, a package of information are provided by the physician or medical center that includes this type of information.
If this information is available, ask the hotel for all available discounts when staying for medical consultations. Do not be embarrassed to ask. I know a number of hotel chains that offer such assistance and that some airlines. Your focus should be centered on your health and potential treatment. You should not have the added worry and stress of travel and accommodation.
Sue Vento recommends that you carry a laptop or two when you meet with health professionals. Many of our customers to design a plan that really proves to be easier for all concerned to carry. One woman explained her method:
"We started with a small one inch (1") size 3-ring binder with color tabs for each facility or physician health care . At the front of the binder, we have included a clear plastic business card holder where we stored all doctors, hospitals, health insurance and insurance information. The use of 3-ring binder provided with a hard writing surface for taking notes.
Behind every color tab lists all the relevant information concerning the doctor, including emergency phone numbers, office hours and appointment schedules.
My sister insisted Copies of all office-visit notes and medical reports and laboratory, she then tabs in reverse chronological order so that the latest information was on top. At the end of each tabbed section was plain paper, held it to take notes at each visit, she then filed at the corresponding date of the visit or procedure.
Soon we learned that the little laptop was not big enough, so we finally ended up using three laptops color. RED notebook was for medical oncology and radiation therapy, cell BLUE was in the hospital and mobile BLACK was for his medical care and health care provider to main home. This makes it easy to capture the right binder for each appointment or planned hospital. Little was easier to carry and appointments.
We had duplicates of all three notebooks. One set was kept in the house and the second "emergency ensemble" was stored in the car. This way we still all medical information to our fingertips. "
Yes, it takes time to organize the books after each visit or an office procedure, but being this organization helps to provide better care for the patient.