Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Steps to take after a diagnosis of cancer

Steps to take after a diagnosis of cancer -

One of the most common questions we receive patients by is, "What do I do once I l 'I (or my loved one has) been diagnosed with mesothelioma? "

While the answer varies because each person's case is different, we have created an outline five steps to a patient or on how to proceed after a diagnosis of cancer loved.

Step 1: Confirm the diagnosis

because of the rarity of the disease and the limited number of specialists who study this cancer, you may want to seek the advice of another doctor - a specialist mesothelioma. a second opinion from a specialist can reveal a condition quite different or clarify the factors that could be crucial during treatment. If your doctor did not perform a tissue biopsy, request one. a sample the cancerous tissue can help definitively diagnose this cancer, explains the type and cellular detail what stage of cancer, you are facing.

this is the most critical step to maximize your potential treatment. because of the scarcity of asbestos cancer, most doctors and cancer centers are not experienced in the past few treatment options available. There are some centers across the country that specialize in different types and stages of mesothelioma treatment

Step 2 :. Learn more about mesothelioma

Understanding your condition is essential to the evaluation of options with physicians and choosing the best treatment. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. Symptoms of the disease vary and depend on the type of disease. A prognosis is generally unfavorable, although treatments and therapies are available

Various cancer organizations across the country -. Such as the National Cancer Institute - provide information about this rare cancer. Many organizations offer information easily online

For more information on mesothelioma, select a topic :.

  • mesothelioma
  • The causes of the disease
  • Types of cancer
  • prognosis of typical cancer

Step 3: Set up a course of treatment

If you want to relieve the pain and symptoms in the palliative treatment or the fight against cancer with curative therapies, treatment options are available. What many patients find difficult is the selection of a qualified doctor to treat them.

The three most commonly used treatments for mesothelioma are surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Recovery of these can take weeks or months, but patients often experience an improvement in their quality of life. Alternative therapies such as diet changes, meditation and yoga have also been shown to benefit patients

Step 4 :. Identify valuable resources for assistance

travel subsidies, free airline tickets, additional accommodation and even free treatment is possible for all patients. Our patients and family lawyers have helped many families understand their options, including access to financial assistance for treatment. We also help veterans with their VA claims through our support service to veterans. Contact our team for the patients [[+phone]] to learn more about these options or see our services page and resources, to understand what is involved and ask any questions you have about mesothelioma

Step 5 :. Create a support network

Receiving a diagnosis of mesothelioma can present many challenges. There will be a number of daily tasks that you can not do - or do not want. One of mesothelioma the most common symptoms is fatigue. Lead to doctor visits, cooking meals and perform other routine tasks may become more difficult depending on your type and stage of mesothelioma.

Lean on your family and close friends. They are your main sources of support, physically and emotionally. Do not hesitate to ask for help. The American Cancer Society also offers support options for patients diagnosed with cancer.

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