Tuesday, February 28, 2017

New Wave of asbestos-Malades upward

New Wave of asbestos-Malades upward -

There is a tendency to believe that the problems of asbestos are behind us. The rules, regulations and prohibitions in place to regulate its use, there is no way that we would have to worry about a new outbreak of diseases linked to asbestos, right?

Wrong. Because asbestos is inexpensive and is also an effective building material, many countries continue to use it, regardless of the associated dangers. There is an expectation in some corners that a new wave of people worldwide will be affected by exposure to asbestos and pay the price of this exhibition.

The Australian people have seen more than their fair share of asbestos-related diseases, with the second highest incidence rate to date. And these figures are not yet crested.

The first wave of workers are victims of asbestos-related diseases were miners, followed by those who have asbestos sheet, then by traders. Home renovators should be the next series of patients ?? after demolishing the walls of asbestos, roofs and fences without knowing or understanding the hazards of the materials.

Between 1982 and 07, there were more than 10,000 cases of asbestos disease diagnosed in Australia. additional 13,000 Australians are estimated to be diagnosed in 2020.

Australia is not alone.

Most of the world's asbestos is imported by developing countries, many in the Asia-Pacific region. India is remarkable because it is important aggressively asbestos from Canada, but India is only second to China in the amount of asbestos imported. Both countries use asbestos for construction, the brake pads, joints and tissue because the products can be manufactured cheaply and because asbestos can make these products to fire and heat.

While China has standards and regulations on health and handling in place, Chinese factories fail blatantly to respect Chinese law. India does not refer to proper handling procedures: many workers do not wear gloves or chemical combinations and only use a handkerchief on their faces as protection

If no current plans to regulate or reduce asbestos, China is expected to reach 15,000. Asbestos-related deaths by 2035. India does not detect his cancer cases, making it difficult to obtain an estimate of the epidemic of asbestos-related diseases here, but we can not imagine that will be in the thousands in the coming years.

in the world, over 107,000 people die each year from diseases related to asbestos because they were exposed to it at work. Many thousands more die each year from exposure by the DIY job at home. More go unreported or undocumented.

However, the international tide turns against asbestos. A growing number of countries are adopting laws to restrict or prohibit asbestos and more than 50 countries have at least some form of asbestos ban in place.

Some still say the sound change is happening too slowly and that many more people die from diseases related to asbestos until you actually.

What do you think of this epidemic to come? Is this true or hype? Do you think that other laws should be in place around the world?

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