Tuesday, February 14, 2017

ADAO Candle Lighting Events to Honor Mesothelioma Warriors

ADAO Candle Lighting Events to Honor Mesothelioma Warriors -

A candle is a symbol of comfort that shines through the darkness. Friday, December 28 and Friday, the Organization Asbestos Disease Awareness (ADAO) January 4 will hold a cancer association Online Resources (ACOR) of the mesothelioma group tradition by urging all to "light a candle" virtually and in our homes to honor mesothelioma Warriors.


On December 28 Candle Lighting

Lighting December 28 will be held in memory of these mesothelioma warriors who lost their lives to the deadly cancer. This ceremony will take place to reflect and renew the inner strength to all those affected by a relative who has lost their battle with mesothelioma. For those who choose, online messages can be written to serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration to other

The December 28 ceremony will feature four candle lighting :. One for sorrow, one for courage, one for memory and one for love. You can turn your virtual candle here, do the following:

LIGHT CANDLE FIRST : "The light of that first candle represents our grief. The pain of losing you is intense. It reminds us of the depth of our love for you "

LIGHT CANDLE II ". In light of this second candle represents the courage it takes to face our pain, to comfort each. secondly, to change our lives "

The third candle LIGHT :" This third candle is a light for all our memories of you for the time we laughed, times. we cried, the times we were angry with each other, the stupid things you've done, the support and the joy you have given us. "

LIGHT tHE fOURTH cANDLE "the fourth candle is the light of our love. As we move forward, day by day we cherish the special place in our hearts that will always be reserved for you. Thank you for the gift of your life given to each of us. We still love you. "

The January 4 Candle Lighting

The lighting of the candle on Friday, January 4 will be held to honor and support current mesothelioma Warriors who are still fighting against the disease and serve as . inspiration to the entire mesothelioma community of lighting the four candles will involve the following steps:

lIGHT tHE FIRST pLUG : we remember the love

LIGHT tHE cANDLE II : Renew our hope

LIGHT lA cANDLE THIRD : Give us the courage

LIGHT lA fOURTH cANDLE reinforce our commitment to continue

Join the cause to honor the victims of mesothelioma and current warriors. Light your candles December 28 and January 4, virtually or in your home. for more information on Warriors honored mesothelioma, see this list.

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