As recently as the 1980s, it was customary to hold a new family member had cancer for children. The theory: It would be too painful for children for a parent, grandparent or other loved one was seriously ill
Decades of child development research and child psychology have led to recommendations that children and teens benefit greatly. timely education provided on diseases and treatments their relatives. As a result, many books, websites and healthcare professionals help families educate and support children when a loved one is diagnosed with mesothelioma.
Most people now recognize children need to know when a parent or relative has the disease. However, some adults worry about when and how to discuss it because they fear that their choice of words or synchronization can frighten or disturb the child. Many adults are also concerned questions that children can ask like "Did grandfather die of cancer"
be honest
Although these types of conversations can be difficult, it is reassuring to know that talk proactively to children allows them to deal more effectively with a medical crisis like mesothelioma. Sitting with a child and let them know what's going on them sends the message that no matter what happens in the family, we will tell them the truth.
A perfect time to tell the children about cancer is when it will start to affect them or when they see something different. it is useful to wait until there is a treatment plan for a loved one to tell the children what happens. at this time, there is usually a clear understanding of where mesothelioma is located in the body .
But if the child is living with mesothelioma patient or the patient is sick note and often go to the doctor, then someone should discuss the state of their near and the meaning behind the visits the doctor even if there is no treatment plan in place.
Age recommendations
children process information differently to specific age groups, or tracks. For example:
- Children under 2 years old can not understand the concept of cancer and are better supported in keeping their daily routine as normal as possible. If the person with cancer is the child's parent or primary caregiver, try to allow young children to spend as much time as they normally would with the caregiver to ensure a healthy attachment.
- Children between the ages of 2-7 may be able to understand concepts like "good cells" and "bad cells" in the body. Often children of this age think their bad conduct or their germs have caused cancer to reassure cancers are not contagious and do not cause disease. In explaining the treatment of cancer, think of visual cues, including hair loss visits, exhaustion and treatment, and to explain the point of view of the child.
- Children in the pre-adolescent phase (8-12 years) are better able to understand the causes and effects of serious illnesses, but mesothelioma and treatment needs explanation in simple terms . They may have many questions about cancer and its consequences. Answer the questions as honestly as possible. It is okay to say "I do not know" to questions about prognosis and other uncertainties related to the disease.
- Children aged over 12 years are capable of abstract thought and can include more detailed explanations of mesothelioma. Some children and adolescents may want to learn about the disease and turn to the Internet for answers.
Photos and drawings are useful tools
It is always useful using images or illustrations to describe cancer and treatment for children. Rather than trying to explain chemotherapy, many parents find helpful showing children a picture of chemotherapy being someone.
Many books and brochures about mesothelioma include diagrams that show the disease and how it affects the body. cancer treatment facilities often allow patients to show their children or grandchildren of the treatment zones so that children understand better and be less afraid of the treatment of their loved one.
Younger children can be encouraged to draw pictures of their loved ones with the disease and tell a story about what they called. Some children will shape the patient without hair or in a hospital bed. Drawing helps young children deal with their thoughts and feelings.
Another useful tool to help children understand and adjust to the diagnosis of their loved one offers them a chance to see the scars, port and other physical effects of treatment ?? as grandmother without a wig that covers his bald head. Children should not be forced to watch everything they do not want, but providing opportunities helps them feel involved, reassured and informed about the disease and treatment of their relative.
Be prepared for questions
Be prepared for a variety of children's reactions. Questions about cancer and their loved ones will come after the conversation. It is useful to think of the time you've heard about your diagnosis or a loved mesothelioma, and how long it took for the information to sink before you phrased questions.
It is also important to include the feelings, thoughts and emotions in the discussion about cancer with children. Of course, they need to know the facts about the illness of their loved one. But they may also feel anger and fear of the unknown.
Children need to hear these emotions are normal and it is normal to talk about. It is tempting to reassure children that everything will go well and think only positive, but this does not give them permission to feel scared or any of the other emotions that are common when someone we love has mesothelioma.
There are many resources to help you talk to the children in your life about mesothelioma. In addition to books and online site Cancercare support, many cancer treatment centers have counselors or social workers who can help you find the best way to educate and support children. They can also give children a visit to the treatment center, which is generally very useful to help them adapt to the situation
Books of interest
- "Cancer My Dad . An Interactive children's book, "Cindy Klein Cohen.
- "What Cancer Anyway? Explain cancer for children of all ages," Karen L. Carney
- "May I kiss you: answering your children's questions about cancer, "by Neil Russell
- " When a Parent has cancer: a Guide to Caring for your children "by Wendy Schlessel Harpham, MD
questions and support Group answers online July
Q: Does the therapy helps physical patients who experience fatigue of chemotherapy
A: physical therapy can help some patients with fatigue of chemotherapy. Ask your oncologist if you are an ideal candidate. Patients with extreme fatigue, low red or white blood cells or a lack of muscle coordination should not exercise or physical therapy through chemotherapy. People on doxorubicin (Adriamycin) should not exercise the day of treatment, but may return to moderate exercise for 48 hours after administration
Q :. What is the aim of pleurodesis? How can it help pleural effusion
? A: The purpose of a pleurodesis is to merge the two layers of the lining of the lung. pleural effusion is a liquid that forms between the layers and causes difficulty breathing and pain. A pleurodesis eliminates the space between the layers, making it impossible fluid buildup once the layers are fused together. If a recurrent pleural effusions person, pleurodesis can be recommended to permanently resolve the condition
Q :. What is an easy way to describe mesothelioma in people who do not know what it is or where the mesothelium is located?
a :. You can just say that. "Mesothelioma is a cancer of the lining of the lungs or abdomen" It can affect other linings of organs, but the lining of the lungs and abdomen are the most common