Wednesday, November 30, 2016

5 diseases you need to know are caused by exposure to asbestos

5 diseases you need to know are caused by exposure to asbestos -

During the awareness week to asbestos, we put an emphasis on exposure to asbestos and what can happen if someone is overexposed.

Often the most serious and well-known conditions such as mesothelioma and lung cancer receive the most attention during the awareness week to asbestos. Today we ?? re touching on other cancers and benign diseases caused by asbestos.

Thanks to television ads, many people have become aware that exposure to asbestos causes mesothelioma and lung cancer. It is less well known that asbestos causes cancer of the voice box (larynx) and ovaries.

Asbestos actually causes more benign than cancerous conditions. These non-cancerous conditions are soft and reassuring to severe and life threatening. The latest treatments and medications fortunately have a better quality of life for people with these conditions.

The knowledge of these other asbestos-related diseases using those previously exposed know what symptoms to watch for as signs of a developing condition. Although some of these diseases are life threatening, early diagnosis can make all the difference for survival. Knowing that treatments are available to control symptoms is reaffirming anyone with exposure to asbestos history.

Ovarian Cancer

Although it represents only 3 percent of cancer diagnoses among women, ovarian cancer causes more deaths than any other female reproductive cancer. In 2012, a study by the International Research on Cancer (IARC) has confirmed that exposure to asbestos causes cancer of the ovaries. Many cases have been documented in women whose father or husband worked with asbestos.

Although the exact mechanism of how the asbestos fibers reach the ovaries is debated, researchers theorize the fibers are transported by the lymphatic system. Some cases have been linked to contaminated talc asbestos used for hygiene.

Ovarian cancer is treated by surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormonal therapy and targeted therapy. The overall survival rate for all types and ovarian cancer of stages is 45 percent. A chance of 15 percent of cases are diagnosed in stage I and have a survival rate of 0 percent.

Cancer of the larynx

Laryngeal cancer is rare and usually caused by smoking in combination with alcohol consumption. Yet a 06 report sponsored by the National Institutes of Health has shown that exposure to asbestos causes cancer of the larynx, known as the voice box. In 2012, the RAIC has confirmed the connection in a scientific review of all the evidence to date.

The researchers suspect that the inhalation of asbestos fibers lodge in the mailbox on the way to the lungs. Treatment varies depending on the stage of the cancer involves surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The prognosis for small tumors that haven ?? t spread to the lymph nodes with good cure rates from 75 to 95 percent. If caught early enough, radiation therapy may offer a cure and preserve the voice ?? s of the patient.


Asbestosis is a progressive lung disease which inhibits health and lung function. It develops when inhaled asbestos fibers accumulate in the lungs and cause scar tissue to form. Over time the scar tissue hardens the lungs, limiting the elasticity.

Breathing becomes difficult and painful as the disease progresses. Healing affect the lungs ?? the ability to provide oxygen into the bloodstream. Patients often need oxygen and drugs against pain tanks to control the symptoms. There is no cure for asbestosis and its progression can ?? t be interrupted, but most symptoms are minimized with medication and oxygen supplementation.

Clubbed Fingers

About half of all people with severe asbestosis develop a condition known as the clubbed fingers. The tips of fingers become deformed, swollen and may take a similar appearance to a box. The condition seems to be caused by the biological effects of asbestosis rather than directly by asbestos fibers.

clubbed fingers tend to develop early and don ?? t will disappear once developed. It is a sign of asbestosis more severe and is associated with higher mortality and the likelihood of disease progression.

benign pleural diseases

Although conditions like asbestosis and lung cancer affecting the lung tissue, other conditions affecting the lining of the lungs known as the pleura. Mesothelioma is the only cancer that affects the pleura, but asbestos can cause several benign conditions to develop in the lining of the lung

The pleura has two layers :. An inner layer which lines the lungs, and an outer layer lines the ribs. The presence of asbestos fibers can cause these layers to inflame and rub against each other, a condition called pleurisy. The drugs are effective in controlling pain.

As the scar tissue accumulates on the lining of the lungs, deposits of collagen called pleural plaques can develop. Form plaques most often on the outer layer of the pleural lining of the chest. Between 5 and 15 percent of the plaques calcify and harden thereafter. They rarely cause symptoms, but some plates can cause pain and may need medication.

The inflammation caused by asbestos can weaken blood vessels, causing fluid leakage. This fluid accumulates in the pleural layers, called pleural effusion, and can interfere with breathing and cause pain if not treated. A procedure called talcage can permanently prevent fluid buildup.

pleural effusions often precede scarring and thickening of the pleura, known as diffuse pleural thickening. As the pleura becomes stiff and thick with scar tissue and lung function is compromised, pain may develop. Medicines for pain, bronchial dilation and steroids provide relief of symptoms.

If you have a history of asbestos exposure and develop abdominal pain or dysfunction, pelvic or pulmonary consult a primary care physician or a specialist immediately. The prognosis is improved and the treatment is more effective for all conditions related to asbestos when diagnosed early.

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