The medical advances over the years have resulted in a plethora of drugs to treat a physical or emotional pain that we can experience.
Fortunately, it allows many people to live longer and enjoy a better quality of life.
There is, however, another type of "drug" available that works alongside traditional medical practices and has been helping to improve the quality of people's lives for a very long time.
This "drug" does not require a prescription, can be taken as often as necessary and never fails to make us feel better.
and the medicine is ?? the unconditional love of a pet.
The Best Kind of Medicine
For most of us, there was a pet of some kind or another sharing our lives at some point . And it would be hard for us to imagine what life would be like without them.
The animals are wonderful to be around and have such a happy disposition that our spirits are lifted just by being in their company.
This is particularly true when a family is struggling with mesothelioma or another type of cancer.
Nobody wants to think about cancer all the time, and a pet can provide a wonderful diversion for both cancer patient and caregiver
If you do not have a pet, I highly recommend that you consider adopting one in your family - and your heart ..
choice of pet is good for you
type of animal company you choose will depend on your personal preferences, your living and your ability to provide the level of care they need.
Fortunately, there are many kinds of animals to choose from and a pet can be found for every taste. The good thing is that no matter what type of pet you choose their benefits will remain the same.
Advantages of having a pet
- unconditional love :. Animals you like, no matter how you feel
- Companionship :. Animals want to be with you
- Comfort: Stroking your pet makes you feel good and is very relaxing
- Diversion: .. The animals take your mind cancer
- routine Animals must be fed and cared for each. day
- fun :. Pets are fun to be around, and their antics make you laugh
- exercise :. Playing with your pet or take them for a walk can provide enjoyable exercise
Animals also give you something to talk well, and you can share the stories of all the fun things they are with your family and friends.
(and woman) Best friend of man
Personally, I am a dog lover, and over the years I am blessed with the company of a number of these beautiful creatures.
Any dog lover will agree that dogs are a package of unconditional love. They bounce, jump or walk in our lives - and in our hearts. - With the pure abandonment of a child
Perhaps this is why many of us are devoted to them and treat them as we would treat any of our own children. In a sense, they are like children - because they are totally dependent on us for food, care and protection
But this does not mean that devotion is one way ;. dogs care for us, too, and will risk their lives to protect us. They are incredibly intuitive creatures that seem to know what mood we are and change their behavior accordingly. - Quietly sitting next to us when we are not feeling well, or leaping around wanting a game they feel that we are at the height
The nice thing is, no matter how we feel, they love us as we are and do the obvious with every movement of their bodies.
How My Dogs Helped

When my husband, Brian, was diagnosed with mesothelioma, we had Staffy cross a beautiful red heeler named Ben.
He had been with us for over 10 years and has been my constant companion.
Ben and I shared a special bond, and he seemed to know when I need him the most. First thing every morning, he came to my room to greet me, and we had a little ritual we did every day.
I sit on the edge of the bed and say, "Give me a hug. "He would be sitting on his hips, place a paw on each of my shoulders and nuzzle my neck. It always warmed my heart and relieved all stress that I had woken up with.
The presence of Ben during the day was also a comfort to me, as it was never far from my side. As soon as I sat down, he had to sit next to me. He loved to be petted, and I find equal enjoyment in his response to it. Ben was also close to Brian and loved to be petted by him also.
A new bundle of joy
Approximately seven months before Brian died, we decided to find another dog to keep Ben company, and shortly after, a little brown and white terrier Jack Russell came into our lives. He was only 6 weeks old, and we named Rufus.
It did not take long to discover that we are small Jack Russell extremely energetic and playful dogs that need a lot of attention, but it turned out to be exactly what we all need.
Rufus was a little live wire, full of fun and quick to learn new tricks. This created a great diversion for us all, and it was hard not to smile when he was around. Best of all, he made us laugh, which was a blessing.
Ben has also found great pleasure to have around Rufus and never tired to play with him and teach him what the dogs. Although the two men, they got along famous and soon became inseparable.
Despite his boundless energy, Rufus did enjoy quiet moments, and these were usually spent on Brian's lap being patted the content of his heart. Brian adored her and was so relaxed and happy in his company. I loved watching them together and was so thankful that we had brought this little bundle of joy in our lives.
There is no doubt in my mind that Rufus and Ben, our beautiful, loyal and loving companions, helped Brian and me during the illness of Brian. And they also have a great comfort to me after Brian died.
Companionship and Unconditional Love
I have had the pleasure of the company of Ben for seven years after Brian died. He was 17 when he died, which is a long life for a dog - but not long enough for me. I miss him terribly.
Fortunately, Rufus is always with me. At 12, he is a little quieter than in his youth, but he still has a lot of energy. He now has another Jack Russell named Jack to keep him company.
Having two Jack Russells to take care of keeps me on my toes, but I would not have it any other way.
Rufus, Jack and I are equally devoted to each other, and they take advantage of this by jumping on my lap for a cuddle every night watching television.
although this does not leave me much room on the couch, I can not refuse them. - Or the pleasure I receive from them having so close
I would not be without my "pet medicine" and feel truly blessed to have the companionship and unconditional love of my two little dogs .
Tell us about your furry friends on our Facebook page.