Thursday Mesothelioma Awareness Day is to raise awareness of the world in the most insidious disease of our time and gather resources to eventually eliminate it completely.
With perseverance, it can be done.
it can be accomplished by raising awareness to the cause, giving visibility to the disease and making a financial gift to provide physicians with the tools to find better treatment options, improved therapies, and work to find a cure.
Mesothelioma is a cancer diagnosed in about 3,000 Americans each year, and its only known cause is exposure to asbestos. Another generation will likely pass before asbestos disappears completely from our lives, but awareness of it does not have to wait.
provide physical and emotional support for people suffering from the disease is important, and so are the myriad events ?? walks, runs, bike rides, poker games, bake sales ?? across the country this fall that help show support locally.
Mesothelioma Awareness Day, recognized by a 04 proclamation of the US Congress, will focus national attention on Thursday morning with a group of Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation (MARF) appearing on the show "Today" .
hospital donations Help Research Fund
Everyone can help by making a donation to one or more of the various agencies involved in the research. significant advances in the treatment and diagnosis of cancer were made in the past 10 years, but these gains have been slow and expensive research.
The following research centers provided research and innovations in the treatment of cancer:
- Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston: This is home to the International Mesothelioma Program ( IMP) and renowned surgeon David Sugarbaker, MD, a pioneer in the treatment of mesothelioma. The VA Boston Healthcare System draws near veterans across the country
- Fox Chase Cancer Center and Abramson Cancer Center in Philadelphia. Both centers are loaded with multidisciplinary experts in the disease. The Abramson Cancer Center is a leader in gene therapy, the future of treatment
- Mount Sinai Hospital and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York :. Thoracic Surgeon Raja Flores, MD, at Mount Sinai became one of the leaders in the treatment of cancer. MSKCC has been praised for this collaboration between surgeons as Valerie Rusch, MD, and thoracic oncologists as Lee Krug, MD, both experts mesothelioma
- UPMC Cancer Center in Pittsburgh. The Special Care Center mesothelioma drew attention for its excellence in research and the role of leader in the National Mesothelioma Virtual Bank, where tissue samples are available for scientists across the country
- Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa. Although Moffitt worked with patients for many years, he unveiled the new mesothelioma research and treatment center in 2012 to develop better cooperation with its multidisciplinary approach.
- MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Orlando and other cities. It is part of the system of the University of Texas Health Care and has been praised for years for its research commitment to both lung cancer and mesothelioma
- UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center in Los Angeles: the staff is renowned surgeon Robert Cameron, MD who helped create the Meso Pacific center, a research and treatment designed specifically for mesothelioma patients
- University of Hawaii Cancer center in Honolulu. : Center Director Michele Carbone, MD has established a considerable success for its approach to the world to study and therapies for cancer
- University of Chicago Comprehensive Cancer Center and the University of Arizona Center cancer. Farid Gharagozloo, MD, Arizona innovated using robotics in cancer surgery; Hedy Kindler, MD, is the respected director of the Mesothelioma Program at UC
- The Angeles Clinic and Research Institute in Los Angeles. Clinic Angeles who earned a reputation for developing personalized cancer therapies, has now ventured into his first specific clinical trial for mesothelioma, hoping innovate.
donations to independent groups
independent organizations as MARF, the most recognized association at national level dedicated to research on mesothelioma and disease awareness of Organization asbestos (ADAO) in California are working toward the same goal through different avenues.
All these organizations are involved to help patients and provide support but they can. Most have charitable arms that help patients who need financial support.
The awareness can be as simple as wearing a bracelet that Rebecca Iverson and the whole party was at her wedding in New Orleans, in honor of his mother who died shortly before cancer. These bracelets are available free from