Friday, September 9, 2016

Relay for Life Benefits Research mesothelioma and other cancers related to asbestos

Relay for Life Benefits Research mesothelioma and other cancers related to asbestos -

On May 18, the mesothelioma center employees have offered their time and heart to support Relay for Life , a fundraiser focused on awareness, event that supports the American Cancer Society (ACS). Bring together cancer survivors, patients and caregivers, mesothelioma team joined several hundred people Center in Orlando to raise awareness and money for cancer research.

More than a fundraising event, Relay For Life unites communities to support people affected by cancer. At each relay event, cancer survivors are celebrated, caregivers are recognized, and the family members and friends show their support.

"listen to people talk about their stories, whether family members or survivors themselves, -inspiring was really impressive," said Rose Smith, a coordinator of public awareness mesothelioma center.

Uniting for treatment

Mesothelioma Center joins more than 30 other teams and hundreds of participants in the walk around Lake Eola, a picturesque and popular park in the heart of the city center Orlando. Team captain Nadia Persaud, Director of Social Media mesothelioma Centre, was impressed by the turnout this year

"It was amazing to me that we have almost tripled our number of participants of the last year to this year. which was really touching and meant a lot to me, "Nadia shared after announcing that the Centre mesothelioma team raised $ 3,800 for cancer research. The Relay for Life Chapter Downtown Orlando has not finished calculating the official total, although estimates are currently over $ 28,000.

The event overnight began at 2:00 p.m. Saturday, May 18, and participants market until 8:00 the next day. In addition to raising funds through walking, vendors and local artists donated their time, services and goods, such as the sale of baked goods and bracelets homemade, and all proceeds went to the GBA.

Joe Lahav, patient advocate for mesothelioma Center, dedicated a luminaria to honor his mother, whom he lost to cancer. The Luminaria Ceremony is a candlelight vigil enabling each relay event honoring cancer patients who have succeeded, who are currently facing the disease, and those who survived.

Relais supports patients with asbestos-related cancers

all kinds of cancers, including mesothelioma and other cancers related to asbestos, benefit directly from the money raised through relay for life.

"There are so many different types of cancer that affect people every day around the world, and it is important to try to support them when you can. Here mesothelioma Centre we get a lot of support from our community, and it is important to continue the cycle and give back, "said Danielle DiPietro, a coordinator of the public awareness of mesothelioma Centre.

the ACS provides direct support to patients mesothelioma through various programs such as the hope Lodge, a temporary housing option for cancer patients, and the road to recovery, which provides transportation for patients to get treatment. patients mesothelioma can also participate in the workshop ACS Take over money issues, which responds to the unique financial concerns for cancer patients. ACS also funded scientific research on Alimta, one of the most effective chemotherapy drugs for mesothelioma.

The ACS conducts research that benefits each type of cancer caused by asbestos, including lung, ovarian, testicular, and laryngeal cancers and mesothelioma. ACS currently provides grants for cancer caused by asbestos following:

  • 109 grants on lung cancer totaling over $ 30 million
  • 58 Grants cancer ovarian totaling over $ 16 million
  • five grants of testicular cancer
  • a subsidy on laryngeal cancer

Since 1985, more than 4 , $ 5 billion was raised through Relay for life. One in every 100 Americans attending Relay events nationwide, and mesothelioma Centre is grateful for this incredible team effort in the mission to cure cancer.

Have you or a loved one volunteered to Relay for Life yet? If so, what do you like most about the event? Leave a comment below, or visit our Facebook page.

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